
25 December 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ Our Lord...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ Our Lord, Holy Day of Obligation...25 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ Our Lord...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ Our Lord...the Pontifical Low Mass at midnight, the Nativity of Christ Our Lord celebrated, in which the Holy Mother Church, the true Roman Catholic Church celebrates the coming into the world of the Divine Redeemer, the eternal Son of God Christ Our Lord, Who came into this world to redeem the human race from the tyranny of the devil and the slavery of sin, including the original sin of Adam, and so this is the beginning of the Divine intervention on behalf of the unworthy human dust the mankind, which as such it really is and always has been, created by God from the slime of the earth and given the power to distinguish right from wrong, and yet Our Lord had to come and take upon Himself the human nature in order to teach the unworthy human race the eternal price of salvation and how much God truly loves His human creatures, to the point coming down from Heaven to us and taking on the inferior human nature in order to redeem the unworthy once and for all ages from the stranglehold of Satan, which the whole mankind incurred by the original sin of Adam...that's how much God loves His creations all men...

18 December 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 today's Gospel the Holy Mother Church is instructed by Christ Our Lord, Her Divine Founder, to understand the time of His coming into the world, and that the same as those who were then waiting for the coming of the Divine Redeemer, knowing in patience that He will come to rescue them from the slavery of the devil, so likewise now the true Roman Catholic Church prays to Christ Our Lord for His Divine help in these troubled times, as the Church is forced into the catacombs of this evil godless world, and that the help of God is the only one that counts as no other can be trusted, only Christ Our Lord as it is His Church...

17 December 2022

VIDEO - Acta Apostolicae Sedis...The true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Ember Sabbato in Advent...17 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Acta Apostolicae Sedis...The true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...

Acta Apostolicae Sedis...The true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...the doctrinal and theological video document of the true Holy Apostolic See, by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the true and only Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the genuine Tridentine Mass which is not the 1962 null and void perversion but the true rubrics prior to the changes which were perpetuated by the enemies of the true Catholic Church, even though some of the facts are still under the cloud of mystery, the proper rubrics that are used by the true Catholic Church are those prior to the so called changes of 1955 AD...This publication explains the supernatural foundation of the true Mass as the sole and only valid propitiatory sacrifice to God, which infallible doctrine of the true Catholic Church the heretics and sectarian apostates reject, them following solely what their true master, their tyrannical rules the devil forces them to obey, his poisons and heretical fabrications which are of course null and void, abominable in front of God and thus bring with it only the sentence of IPSO FACTO excommunication to all that follow such heretical inventions...

11 December 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 3rd Dominica in Advent...11 December 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 3rd Dominica in Advent, the Feast of St. Damasus I, Pope, Confessor, within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception...11 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 3rd Dominica in Advent...11 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 3rd Dominica in Advent...11 December 2022 AD...the nativity of the Christ Our Lord approaching, in today's Gospel the Holy Mother Church teaches Her true Catholic faithful to learn patience, as those at that time were patient to await the promised Redeemer, God Himself, to come to the world to repay the price of Adam's original sin to the Divine Justice, so likewise the present time situation clearly expresses the need of those who truly and sincerely strive to be true Catholics, to learn to be patient, even in these evil times as the true Catholic Church is forced by Her enemies, including the devil and his collaborators, into the present time catacombs, as the notorious non-Catholic pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect of Satan occupies the worldwide property of the Church, including the Vatican, all stolen by this Sect from the Catholic Church, so the true Catholic Church has to defend the Catholic religion from the catacombs and in great difficulty and with heavy crosses, but the Church is Divine Institution and always trusts in Our Lord's help and protection, and He supplies them as He has promised...

08 December 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...8 December 2022 AD...

Video publication published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Roman Catholic Church..8 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...8 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...8 December 2022 AD...the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, declared by the Pope Pius IX of blessed memory on 8th December 1854 AD established the revealed truth that it was God's will and Divine gift to Our Blessed Mother the Blessed Virgin Maria, to be immaculately conceived in Her mother's womb without the stain of the Original Sin of Adam, thus miraculously preserved by God and by His infinite almighty power of His supernatural grace from the same, so that this same Divinely chosen Maria could become Mother of God Himself, Mother of the Truth incarnate, Christ Our Lord, for the redemption of the human race from the slavery of Satan, from sin and its enslaving yoke imposed upon the mankind by the devil...and so today the Holy Mother Church, the true Roman Catholic Church Divine Institution celebrates this great Feast as the Holy Day of Obligation for all true Catholics to honor and adore God in its observance, so that the greatness of the Divine wisdom and mercy towards men can be properly honored and God adored therein...and that His enemies the worldwide widespread heretics and infidels could be ashamed of them being blind to it and thus ungrateful to it, which means to Christ Our Lord and Divine Redeemer, but His true Catholic Church honors and adores God today, through His immaculate Mother, the Blessed Virgin Maria, as the Church has always done and will always continue to do...

04 December 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 2nd Dominica in Advent...4 December 2022 AD...

Video publication published by the true Holy Apostolic See  2nd Dominica in Advent, the Feast of St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, also the Feast of St. Barbara, Virgin, Martyr...4 December 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 2nd Dominica in Advent...4 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 2nd Dominica in Advent...4 December 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches His disciples, which is from the beginning until now and always solely and only the true Roman Catholic Church and Her members, so Our Lord teaches the lesson of the Precursor St. John the Baptist, not because of the imminent sanctity of the messenger of God St. John, but because of the truly supernatural Divine character of his mission, which, being sent by God to foretell and testify to the coming of Christ Our Lord, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Emanuel - God with us – the Son of God coming to redeem the human race from the diabolical slavery which is the yoke of Satan, God sending His own Son, therefore God sending Himself into the world to provide once and for all the means of salvation of each and individual soul of man, so likewise today, due to its own ungratefulness and unfaithfulness this same abominably disobedient human race is on the verge of precipice that leads only to severe punishment and ultimately the unquenchable Hell fire forever, and so the only way to escape this Divine wrath is to become, sincerely and in true humility, truly Catholic, and to serve God always without wavering - and those who would not and reject this truth, God Himself will visit them with all that is foretold, the upcoming Divine vengeance unspeakable...

30 November 2022

VIDEO - Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...He that despiseth you, despiseth Me...

Video publication published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle...30 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...He that despiseth you, despiseth Me...

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...He that despiseth you, despiseth Me...this doctrinal publication of the true Holy Apostolic See, the true Roman Catholic Church, Divine Institution, in the person of the rightful and true Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, teaches that all disobedience to this same Church of Christ Our Lord, this one and only vessel of salvation, will be rewarded by God Himself in His wrath, that all these heretics and apostates who thus by their heresies are excommunicated from and outside of this same true Roman Catholic Church, they all without any exception will learn this essential truth - God is not mocked nor will He be mocked by them, and on the contrary they will render Him all that is due for their abominations and disobedience and their heretical denial of the truth of salvation, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition...and then they will know that to disobey the true Catholic Church is the exact same thing as to disobey God Himself, Who is with His Church, as Christ Our Lord promised, that is, all days even unto the consummation of the world...Therefore he who despiseth this true Catholic Church, despiseth God Himself, and he who will not hear and obey this same true Holy See, will not be helped by God and at the end will burn in Hell for it, forever...

27 November 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 1st Dominica in Advent...27 November 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 1st Dominica in Advent...27 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 1st Dominica in Advent...27 November 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 1st Dominica in Advent...27 November 2022 AD...the beginning of the Liturgical Year is the time of the Advent, where the Holy Mother the true Roman Catholic Church teaches Her children (and so very few there are today), that the mysteries of the life of Christ Our Lord the Church uses throughout the liturgical year, so that the true Catholic faithful are reminded by them of the greatness and manifold mercy of God and what He in His infinite goodness, charity and mercy, has done for the whole of the mankind, in His love for His creatures, even when the whole world today is ungrateful and disobedient and unbelieving, God foreseeing the whole deplorable and most of all terrifying situation, and the Father of all lies the devil, in charge of his slaves (and very many there are of them today, nearly the whole world), Satan is not letting these slaves of his out of his hands unless God helps them to recover from it, but solely and only when they reflect and firmly decide to become truly Catholic, by the Divine grace and Divine mercy, as otherwise such a miraculous help from God, their true conversion, is impossible...

20 November 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 24th & last Dominica after Pentecost...20 November 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 24th and last Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Felix of Valois, Confessor...20 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 24th & last Dominica after Pentecost...20 November 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 24th & last Dominica after Pentecost...20 November 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches His disciples which means His true Roman Catholic Church, His Divine Institution, what will happen at the end of times, the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, the state of general apostasy of the world, the whole entire world will be perverted by Satan and his heretical lies and false fabricated godless atheistic doctrines, the diabolical ideology of atheistic communism, the tyranny and enslavement of the whole world by the same, by Satan's own communist henchmen, Russian and Chinese communists and their worldwide cohorts, but most of all the spiritual desolation of the soul of the people worldwide, the depravity of mind and guilty conscience, perversity of morals unspeakable and so desolate and wicked in the outcome, the evil fruits thereof bringing the swift wrath of God upon those who are guilty of them...and many there are who have gone that disastrous route...but the true Catholic Church, the true Sovereign Pontiff as the Supreme Pastor of those whom God Himself has given (and whom will Christ Our Lord in His mercy grant His conversion), the Church will remain protected and helped as Our Lord has promised...all days, even unto the consummation of the world !

18 November 2022

VIDEO - The heretical blindness of the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Ferial Day...18 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The heretical blindness of the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church...

The heretical blindness of the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church...the examples of the manifestly heretical and canonical blindness of the servants of Satan, the notorious and IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics, and how their inability to protect the souls of the people who visit their (profaned and fully desecrated) “places of worship” - in this video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See, the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I explains in this video publication how the Holy Ghost is not helping these heretics, truly manifestly visible enemies of God and thus enemies of His true Catholic Church, so they are incapable to fulfill the primary mission of the Catholic Church - the salvation of souls...these are the blind that lead the blind into the pit and thus into the mire of sin and abomination in front of God...these devil's servants cannot do otherwise in their evil fruits, as the evil tree cannot bear good fruits...and God will not help these heretics to do otherwise so that they are visible for who they are in front of Him ! Stay away as far as possible !

13 November 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 23rd Dominica after Pentecost...13 November 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 23rd Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Didacus, Confessor and Feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Confessor...13 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 23rd Dominica after Pentecost...13 November 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 23rd Dominica after Pentecost...13 November 2022 AD...miracles of God have no limit in power and results emanating from them are countless, including the spiritual healing accomplished by such Divine intervention, so that those observing them remain astonished and convert, because of the miraculous occurrence done by God, so it is recorded in the Holy Gospel today, as Christ Our Lord has done so in regards to the infirm people He as God has cured, even though before that has happened some of the bystanders, lacking the truth and the true Faith to believe it firmly, have mocked Our Lord and laughed Him to scorn - and then these unbelievers have been put to shame by Him instantly. And so, likewise, is the situation unveiled today, the extremely difficult situation of the true Holy Mother Church, the genuine and real Roman Catholic Church, truly Divine Institution, but the Church instructed by the Divine grace and guidance and governance of the Holy Ghost, She in the person of Her true Sovereign Pontiff trusts in God's mercy and Divine help, and God provides it and will continue providing as He has promised...for He said: “...Behold I am with you, ALL DAYS, even unto the consummation of the world...”

11 November 2022

VIDEO - The spiritual perversion and apostasy of this world...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, Bishop, Confessor and the Feast of St. Mennas, Martyr...11 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The spiritual perversion and apostasy of this world...

The spiritual perversion and apostasy of this publication from the true Holy Apostolic See, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, about the state of this world, Divine punishment, the approaching time of the Antichrist and his atheistic brutal communist tyranny, the warning from Our Lady of Fatima about Russia (atheistic communism worldwide) and the recent developments leading to such horrible time, persecution and oppression by the stolen state secular powers of the godless, through the electoral fraud strategy and communist subversion...there is no way out of it but through becoming truly Catholic as the gates of Hell will not prevail against the true Roman Catholic Church, which is today forced to be in the catacombs, but outside of which there is absolutely no salvation...

06 November 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 22nd Dominica after Pentecost...6 November 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on 22nd Dominica after Pentecost...6 November 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 22nd Dominica after Pentecost...6 November 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 22nd Dominica after Pentecost...6 November 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord rebukes the Pharisees for their wickedness, as they were trying to catch God Himself in what they in sacrilege thought possible, which means a lie, not comprehending themselves that there is no lie in God at all, as He is the Truth Himself essentially and cannot deceive nor be deceived. But by asking Our Lord about the tribute (the secular obligation to pay taxes and fees to Caesar), and whether that is lawful, as they themselves were notorious hypocrites and deceivers, heretical deniers of the fact that Christ Our Lord is God Himself, the 2nd Person of the Blessed Trinity, Our Lord teaches by this example the truth about the Authority and the true Catholic Church's superiority over the secular power of the state, and that what belongs to the Caesar cannot be imposed on God and His true Catholic Church, as the state is human institution and Our Lord's true Catholic Church, in the person of the true rightful Sovereign Pontiff is in possession of the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and thus Divine Institution, and thus will never be subject to any human secular authority whatsoever...and the Pharisees were denying it, just like today all heretics and apostates are denying this, by Christ Our Lord established, true doctrine...

01 November 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of All Saints...1st November 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of All Saints, Holy Day of Obligation in the true Roman Catholic Church...1st November 2022 AD

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of All Saints...1st November 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of All Saints...1st November 2022 AD...the Holy Day of Obligation it is today, when the Feast of All Saints is celebrated, which is giving the honor by the Holy Mother the true Roman Catholic Church to all the true Catholic souls who have been made Saints by God and declared as such by the Authority of the Catholic Church, so that therefore this same Feast is today reverenced in the true Catholic world as the main Feast by which the Church honors God in His Saints in Heaven, by whom the Church obtains the most necessary intersession in Heaven with God, so that those who obtain it may be the more grateful to Our Lord for providing the Saintly souls which are now helping the Church Militant on Earth to continue Her Divine mission of salvation of souls, offering up the true daily Sacrifice to God of propitiation, in the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which merit and sacred result cannot be obtained and conferred by the heretics nor apostates nor infidels of any kind. Thus it is impossible to honor God in any other way but by being truly Catholic, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and to ask for the intersession of all Saints in Heaven, with God, by their eternal reward and honor with Him...

30 October 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of Christ the King, 21st Dominica after Pentecost - 30 October 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of Christ the King, 21st Dominica after Pentecost - 30 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of Christ the King, 21st Dominica after Pentecost - 30 October 2022 AD...
Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of Christ the King, 21st Dominica after Pentecost - 30 October 2022 AD...the Feast of Christ the King is celebrating the Kingship and Superiority of God over men and all creatures, as the Sovereign and Lord of lords, King of kings, Christ Our Lord, the Divine Redeemer and Savior, and the more so today the Holy Mother the true Roman Catholic Church, in the Person of the true and rightful Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, celebrates this great Feast, so that Christ Our Lord is adored and honored, and that all can learn, either by the Divine reward within this same true Catholic Church and by practicing the Catholic religion and obtaining the eternal salvation (if the soul is faithful to the end), or by the Divine wrath and punishment in Hell of those who reject the truth of salvation, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and who thus do claim to themselves their own heretical inventions, for which they will pay very dearly to the Sovereign King of kings and the Lord of lords, Christ Our Lord, Christ the King...

21 October 2022

VIDEO - Video publication from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - The Holy Ghost is NOT with heretics...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Hilarion, Abbot, and the Feast of St. Ursula and Companions, Virgins, Martyrs...21 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Video publication from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - The Holy Ghost is NOT with heretics...

Video publication from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - The Holy Ghost is NOT with heretics...the overwhelming evidence of the truth that God does not help His enemies, the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics from the illegitimate “orders” of SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and also the sedevacantist heretics, and so their heretical evil fruits, supplied by their master the devil, for to deceive and lure unstable and unwitting souls into their assemblies, where the Sacraments are not truly administered and moreover these enemies of God lack the true Catholic Priesthood and the fullness of the Episcopal dignity and power...THEREFORE it is essential that those who honestly and sincerely want to save their souls for all eternity will stay away from such heretics and impostors, and from the Novus Ordo APOSTATE pro-communist Sect that has over the years and by diabolical design stolen the worldwide Catholic Church property, including the Vatican, and uses it to sentence millions and millions of souls to Hell...God will repay these evils when the time of His wrath comes - and it is coming !

16 October 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 19th Dominica after Pentecost...16 October 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 19th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Hedwig, Widow...16 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 19th Dominica after Pentecost...16 October 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 19th Dominica after Pentecost...16 October 2022 today's Gospel the parable of the King inviting the guests to the marriage feast represents the true Catholic Church, and also most importantly the eternal salvation of the soul, but that those who strive to obtain it from God, from Christ Our Lord and they neglect to learn the truth of the Divinely revealed religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and who neglect to obey His true Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church in all that the Church has always taught and declared as dogmas of the Faith, necessary for salvation, and the Law of Morals as well, for the protection of the sanctity of the souls of the faithful Catholics, those who do not obey the Church will only despise God and avoid to obtain His mercy, without which there is no salvation possible, as “who despiseth you, despiseth Me”, says Christ Our Lord, and before that Our Lord says the truth about the Supreme Teaching Authority of His true Catholic Church thus: “He who heareth you, heareth Me...” - and so the Divinely revealed truth stands firm, that outside this true Roman Catholic Church there is no salvation.

09 October 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 18th Dominica after Pentecost...9 October 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 18th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. John Leonard, Bishop, Confessor, and the Feast of St. Dyonisius, Bishop, and St. Rusticus and St. Eleutherius, Martyrs...9 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 18th Dominica after Pentecost...9 October 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 18th Dominica after Pentecost...9 October 2022 today's Gospel the proof of the Divinity, besides the Humanity, of Christ Our Lord is given, explicitly and without any doubt, by His miraculous cure of the man sick of palsy, but the proof of the power of God Christ Our Lord gave to the always suspecting crowd of the doctors of the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament religion, by stating clearly that He forgives the sins of the sick man, upon his Faith in Him, to Whom he was brought to be cured, as the reward of what the Faith is in those who believe and will believe that Christ Our Lord is God Himself, the 2nd Person of the Blessed Trinity...and this Sermon of the true and rightful Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, by Divine Right and selection, teaches those who, hesitating as they are in their unbelief and profession of various heretical fabrications of the enemies of the true Catholic Church, that they would obtain the Divine grace and mercy of God and recover themselves from their sins by becoming truly Catholic, being admitted into the bosom of the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church, absolved validly of their sins and brought by the Church and Her Divinely given true Sacraments to the sanctification of their souls, knowing well that otherwise outside this same true Catholic Church there is no salvation...

05 October 2022

VIDEO - Video Address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - the SSPX heretics and idolatrous deceivers...

Video publication produced by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor, Founder of the Order of Friars Minor...4 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Video Address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - the SSPX heretics and idolatrous deceivers...

Video Address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - the SSPX heretics and idolatrous deceivers...the overwhelming evidence of heresy and even idolatry on part of the illegitimate non-existent “religious order” the heretical so called Society of St. Pius X remains committed to serve the devil, the master of all heretics, in order to destroy souls that blindly entrust themselves into such perverted deceptive heretical care. This present time video address of the true and rightful Sovereign Pontiff, the true Pope Jacobus I on this important subject is timely and extremely important, which subject is apparent from this and other such like publications of the true Holy Apostolic See. Therefore there is no delay possible in such an urgent defensive measures because of this clear and imminent danger to the salvation of the souls...knowing full well that outside this true Roman Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation...

02 October 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 17th Dominica after Pentecost...2 October 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 17th Dominica after Pentecost, also the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels...2 October 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 17th Dominica after Pentecost...2 October 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 17th Dominica after Pentecost...2 October 2022 is the common ground of all heretics, as the Pharisees were notorious the same way to Christ Our Lord, that the heretics allege the Holy Scriptures against those who know the true meaning of it, which means the true Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church, in vain hopes that these slaves of Satan can catch this true Divine Institution in error of of the theological truth, which they don't realize is impossible - for it is God Himself protecting the infallible doctrine of the true Catholic Church, the same doctrine of the Catholic Faith, only which leads to salvation...and so no wonder that in today's Gospel the same thing has happened to God Himself, Christ Our Lord, when the notorious heretics the Pharisees have alleged the meaning of the Holy Scriptures against God Himself ! It is the mind of the true Church that God founded and protects that must be followed, as in that the truth of salvation is given by God Himself to all those who punctually obey the true Catholic Church in it, otherwise the fires of Hell have always swallowed up those who in heresy have dared to claim contrary and otherwise...not according to the Divinely protected and guided mind of the true Catholic Church, but according to the lying deceiving heretical mind of Satan, the Father of all heretics the devil, the creator and disseminator of all lies and heresies !

25 September 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 16th Dominica after Pentecost...25 September 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 16th Dominica after Pentecost...25 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 16th Dominica after Pentecost...25 September 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 16th Dominica after Pentecost...25 September 2022 AD...Christ Our Lord teaches in today's Gospel to not be high-minded and proud, but to humbly acknowledge that all the human soul possesses comes from the bountiful hand of God, and therefore those who exalt themselves shall be humbled and those who humble themselves shall be exalted - by God and His due reward or punishment, whichever will befall those who either serve God in humility (which is only possible by being truly Catholic), or mock God and sin against Him in all they do, in their abominable pride...and such like proud souls will never make it into the Kingdom of Heaven...but the true Roman Catholic Church, truly Divine Institution, continues with the help and protection of Christ Our Lord all days even unto the consummation of the world...

21 September 2022

VIDEO - The true Papacy and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretics...Official Publication of the true Holy Apostolic See...21 September 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle...21 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The true Papacy and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretics...Official Publication of the true Holy Apostolic See...21 September 2022 AD...

The true Papacy and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretics...Official Publication of the true Holy Apostolic See...21 September 2022 this publication from the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I the so called sedevacantist heresy and its misguided and deceiving proponents and their latest heretical inventions are infallibly condemned by the true Supreme Pastor of the real Roman Catholic Church, not only that Papacy is de-Fide and thus obligatory to obey for all true Catholics, but that those who as heretics make up new and thus invalid Church laws and fraudulent doctrines regarding the Papacy and how the situation today must be truthfully declared (as the eternal salvation of souls depends on it), these notorious heretics, excommunicated as they are, in their vastly out of control and thus rampant dishonesty and their unhinged machinations of intentional deception, using their fraudulent deceiving heretical opinions, have succeeded to mislead many souls into believing this horrible diabolically concocted heresy, and this true Holy Apostolic See therefore vigorously condemns this heresy as harmful to Catholic souls and leading such misguided souls away from God and thus from their eternal salvation...

18 September 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 15th Dominica after Pentecost...18 September 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 15th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor...18 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 15th Dominica after Pentecost...18 September 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 15th Dominica after Pentecost...18 September 2022 AD...God does all things in His supernatural Divine perfection and as the Supreme Being and Creator of all things He is incapable of any imperfection, and so when Christ Our Lord performed such an miracle of reviving a dead son of a widow back to life, the edified bystanders knew, as it is recorded in today's Gospel, that “God has visited His people”...The Holy Mother Church, the true Roman Catholic Church, implores God for the same kind of visitation and this in these troubled times while the Church is forced by Her enemies, the notorious apostates and heretics, back into the catacombs, into an exile, while this wicked godless anti-Catholic world celebrates daily its own wickedness, immorality and evils, God Himself assures His true Catholic Church that He is with Her all days, even unto the consummation of the world...

17 September 2022

VIDEO - Video address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - Recent developments...17 September 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of the Impression of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor...17 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Video address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - Recent developments...17 September 2022 AD...

Video address of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - Recent developments...17 September 2022 AD...the imminent punishment from God of this evil godless anti-Catholic world is nearing and daily becoming more and more self-evident just by carefully observing the present time geopolitical developments, in the field of theological, dogmatic, doctrinal, political, ideological and philosophical analysis, so that those who strive to be truly Catholic, which is the sole and only path to salvation of the soul, they see clearly, and that by the infallible doctrinal guidance of this true Holy Apostolic See, that God is offended and He will tolerate these sacrilegious evils no longer. This present time publication touches on some of these horrible developments and the true and rightful Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, by Divine Right and Command, condemns all such anti-Catholic and even atheistic false and thus anti-Christian opinions and ideologies as thoroughly heretical and absolutely contrary to the Divine Law and the Dogmas of the Christian Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, which this true Roman Catholic Church defends and vigorously protects, by Our Apostolic Authority which comes from none other than the Almighty God Himself, Christ Our Lord, We, by the will of Christ Our Lord and by Our Supreme Apostolic Authority and from this Chair of St. Peter, declare all such who venture to remain,  by their own pride and heretical obstinacy, perversity and wickedness of mind and soul, severed from the bosom of this sole Vessel of salvation, the true Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, that these perverted apostate, heretical and infidel souls remain excommunicated from the Eternal City of God, His true Roman Catholic Church, and thus left without any chance of eternal salvation of their soul, as their just punishment in the everlasting fires of Hell, besides the devil their master, slumbers not...But the true Roman Catholic Church remains protected and helped by God, as Christ Our Lord and Divine Founder has promised...

11 September 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 14th Dominica after Pentecost...11 September 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 14th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Protus and St. Hyacinth, Martyrs...11 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 14th Dominica after Pentecost...11 September 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 14th Dominica after Pentecost...11 September 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches through His true Roman Catholic Church that whatsoever is needful for the service of Our Lord to the true servants of God, God Himself knows and supplies them, according to His will and pleasure, then all those who are truly Catholic need not worry about their needs in the time of need, even when such evil times are approaching, the evident wickedness of evil men who are preparing their rule of tyranny and criminal abuse of justice, as all such evils rest upon their atheistic communist ideological foundation which is contrary to the Divine Law of God and contrary to the infallible doctrine of His Church, and so the help of God is denied to these enemies, as they are striving to establish their atheistic satanic rule of communist tyranny, therefore their ends will be according to their evil works. God will not spare them...But those who truly want to be Catholic, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, they will be helped by God and by His true Catholic Church, to the safety of their soul, away from all such evils that are still to come... the upcoming punishment from Christ Our Lord will be severe and just, of all who deny Him to be the King of kings and Lord of lords...

04 September 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 13th Dominica after Pentecost...4 September 2022 AD..

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 13th Dominica after Pentecost...4 September 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO -  Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 13th Dominica after Pentecost...4 September 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 13th Dominica after Pentecost...4 September 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord expels all doubt about the ungrateful human nature by illustrating this horrible vice when men do exercise it towards God Himself, not being grateful for His mercy Christ Our Lord so often had accorded them, and His infinite mercy upon the mankind when He died for all on the Cross of Calvary...and still today, most of this wicked godless hedonistic world is not only ungrateful to God but also insulting to Him...and that is why the present evils are taking place as God permits them to come and chastise this world for its insolence, mockery of God and of His true Catholic Church, disregard of the Divine help this world receives and sinfulness and pride this wicked world daily displays towards God and His Church, including Her true Sovereign Pastor. But God in His ultimate mercy has foreseen these things to come and has mercy on those whom He has chosen, and He helps them when they are sincere in front of Him and want to truly serve Him in humility and obedience to His true Roman Catholic Church, Divine Institution, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation...

28 August 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 12th Dominica after Pentecost...28 August 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 12th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, and Feast of St.Hermes, Martyr...28 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 12th Dominica after Pentecost...28 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 12th Dominica after Pentecost...28 August 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches His true Catholic faithful, and what a beautiful word that is - Catholic faithful, that it is not enough to claim to be Catholic, but that the Laws of God and of His Church, the true Catholic Church, must be punctually obeyed, and by rebuking the Lawyer of the Mosaic Law for his testing Our Lord to define who is our neighbor, Our Lord in the example quoted reveals what even today applies...that the self-invited false teachers, like back then the usurpers the Pharisees and scribes were, so are today the false prophets, the impostors of the most notorious pro-communist APOSTATE Sect Novus Ordo, teaching heretical false doctrines against the Divinely revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and these apostate and heretics, pretenders to the Faith, do this diabolical evil in order to destroy souls for their master the devil, them possessed by Satan, so like he is evil so they are evil, the heretics of SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics, all and every one of them, servants of the devil, the Pharisees of the present time, and God will repay them their demonic heretical lies with severe punishment. But Our Lord's true Roman Catholic Church continues, with His Divine help and by Divine Right, to teach, govern, sanctify and save all men, but only those who sincerely desire to save their immortal soul for all eternity, which sacred task outside the true Roman Catholic Church is impossible...

25 August 2022

VIDEO - The illegitimate assemblies of heretics are to be avoided by true Catholics...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France, Confessor...25 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The illegitimate assemblies of heretics are to be avoided by true Catholics...

The illegitimate assemblies of heretics are to be avoided by true Catholics...the official doctrinal document of the Holy Apostolic See on the subject of heretical illegitimate communities, fraudulent “religious orders” and their heretical opinions and conclusions, their perverted version of the Sacraments, including that of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and their invalid Sacrament of Penance, Holy Matrimony, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Confirmation, and the question of their Sacrament of Baptism, without the reality of the Divine grace floating through it, as God is not helping His enemies...this publication reflects also on these heretics and their service to their master the devil, in their evil fabricated heretical lies and false doctrines, gross scandalous disregard of the valid Code of Canon Law, the 1917 AD Code, and its canonical, doctrinal and disciplinary constraints, all this and much more is published in this publication of the true Roman Catholic Church, by His Holiness true Pope by Divine will Jacobus I...25 August 2022 AD...

21 August 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 11th Dominica after Pentecost...21 August 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 11th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Joanna Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow, within the Octave of the Assumption...21 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 11th Dominica after Pentecost...21 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 11th Dominica after Pentecost...21 August 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches by His miracle of curing the deaf and dumb man that the supernatural powers of God are above the means of human understanding and comprehension, and that God is Almighty and can do all things, and so in today's Sermon We need to reflect on such Divine powers and that the patience of Ours cannot be set aside and impatience with what God proposes in His determined will He will accomplish regardless of what obstacles there may be, and no matter how many forces assemble against it, including against His true Roman Catholic Church, Divine Institution, outside of which there is no salvation. Those who obey Our Lord's Church will be rewarded, who are truly Catholic and within Her bosom, and those who will not do that, who thus reject the truth and justice of God, by their obstinate denial of the Divinely given Authority which the true Catholic Church in Her Supreme Pastor the true Sovereign Pontiff possesses, these heretics, apostates and schismatics will regret their disobedience to God through His upcoming wrath and worldwide punishment...But the true Roman Catholic Church, and Her very few children, remain protected by He had promised...

15 August 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maria, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Patroness of the true Roman Catholic Church...15 August 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maria, Mother of God, into Heaven, Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Roman Catholic Church...15 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maria, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Patroness of the true Roman Catholic Church...15 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maria, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Patroness of the true Roman Catholic Church...15 August 2022 the Holy Mother Church celebrates the Holy Feast of Assumption of Our Blessed Mother, the Blessed Virgin Maria, into Heaven, the singular privilege that was accorded to Her by God Himself, in order to prove to the ever wicked world that by such a miracle the dignity and supernaturally granted honor of the Mother of God is truly God's will and His doing, and that the Apostles then being present, when they were all, except the delayed St. Thomas, miraculously summoned and brought to Jerusalem so that they can be present at Her holy death, when finally 3rd day after Her death St. Thomas the Apostle arrived, they found the grave empty, and the sacred Tradition, attested by the testimony of the Fathers of the Church, teaches that Our Blessed Mother was miraculously assumed into Heaven by the power of God...this Dogma of Assumption the Catholic Church solemnly declared on the Feast of All Saints, 1st November 1950 AD, by Pope Pius XII of blessed memory...

14 August 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 10th Dominica after Pentecost...14 August 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 10th Dominica after Pentecost, also the Feast of St. Eusebius, Confessor...14 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 10th Dominica after Pentecost...14 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 10th Dominica after Pentecost...14 August 2022 AD...Christ Our Lord teaches in today's Gospel the truth which is essential to know – God helps those who practice humility in front of Him and who will acknowledge their incapability of doing good without the help of God, and that the human race is insufficient without God providing the necessary help, His Divine grace, the supernatural power God of His infinite bounty provides to all, that without this to be acknowledged, a man can easily forfeit what God gratuitously supplies, and if that was to happen, the human race would be virtually capable of self-extermination...and so those who don't believe in God, the militant atheistic and thus diabolically possessed monsters, commonly known as communists, they are the most brutal, tyrannical and evil in their deeds, serving the devil their master day and night to cause their fellow men to suffer indiscriminately at their hands...and the today mainly godless hedonistic and thus sinful world is about to learn the price of disobedience and ungratefulness from Christ Our Lord in the upcoming Divine punishment...

13 August 2022

VIDEO - The ultimate danger of worldwide communist revolution...official proclamation from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Vigil of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maria (anticipated), also the Feast of St. Hyppolytus and St. Cassianus, Martyrs...13 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The ultimate danger of worldwide communist revolution...official proclamation from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...

The ultimate danger of worldwide communist revolution...official proclamation from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...this is official publication of the Holy Apostolic See, produced on 13 August 2022 AD...

07 August 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 9th Dominica after Pentecost...7 August 2022 AD...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on 9th Dominica after Pentecost. the Feast of St. Cajetan, Confessor and Feast of St. Donatus, Bishop, Martyr...7 August 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 9th Dominica after Pentecost...7 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 9th Dominica after Pentecost...7 August 2022 today's Gospel is recorded Divine lamentation of Christ Our Lord, upon the city Jerusalem, literally and figuratively, as that what pertains to destruction of the real city applies to destruction of the human soul as well, and attacks on the real Jerusalem, the true Roman Catholic Church, the true city of God on Earth, where only the truth is professed, defended and practiced, and yet, the Church is under attack and many are Her former children who, not realizing that they have neglected their time to prepare to resist such evil times, have not severed themselves from heretical poisons of the devil, and thus being spiritually dead in their soul, they have forfeited the supernatural help from Christ Our Lord, as he who remains blind and deaf to such warnings of evil times, such an one will remain unprepared to face them and will not be able to stand firm in the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, as all those who do not bear good fruits to God, all such trees shall be cut down and cast into the fire...eternally lasting fire...

13 July 2022

VIDEO - Encyclical Letter of the true Holy See - Definitions of the genuine Catholic State...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Anacletus, Pope, Martyr...13 July 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Encyclical Letter of the true Holy See - Definitions of the genuine Catholic State...

Encyclical Letter of the true Holy See - Definitions of the genuine Catholic Encyclical Letter of the true Holy Apostolic See of the Roman Catholic Church, on the subject of the true and real Christian society, the most important subject today, the constraints of the truth of which are already established by God and violated by ungodly men, which this Encyclical video Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I addresses in the most direct way, binding all who will hear the truth of this document to obey it in full and put it in practice in their deeds, and on the contrary those who would reject the truth of this infallible document they will be one day forced to regret their most unfortunate and regrettable denial of this truth as such what is the proper way to protect the secular state from being subverted and perverted by the enemies of God...the many Antichrists St. John the Apostle speaks about, the atheistic communist criminal MAFIA of the Antichrist, the devil's main tool of abomination and perdition...

08 July 2022

VIDEO - Tragic historical blunders of Apocalyptic proportions in regards to the atheistic diabolical plague of Russian and Chinese COMMUNISM...

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, Widow...8 July 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Tragic historical blunders of Apocalyptic proportions in regards to the atheistic diabolical plague of Russian and Chinese COMMUNISM...

Tragic historical blunders of Apocalyptic proportions in regards to the atheistic diabolical plague of Russian and Chinese COMMUNISM...the history cannot lie, as the truth bears witness to it in facts and analysis of the same, and thus the tragic implications of historical blunders, accomplished by various world leaders in the times past, them under the guise of heretical conviction of irresistible urge of the possibility of their (blind and misguided) friendship with the works of the atheistic apostate darkness of the Bolshevik totalitarian slavery, that is with the atheistic and thus bloody, terrorist and brutal Russian and Chinese Communism, their accomplishment bearing evil fruits of communist subversion and atheistic perversion of apocalyptic proportions in various still seemingly free countries of the world, God's punishment visibly approaching this today mostly apostate and therefore godless world, Christ our Lord permitting the disobedient, ungrateful, apostate, heretical and infidel populus to remain severed from the Divine and sole vessel of salvation, the true Roman Catholic Church, these historical blunders of appeasement of such diabolical atheistic communist criminals, the Russian and Chinese Communist State Mafia, these blunders bear evil fruit today, and the empty promises of security and prosperity, coming from the communist run controlled opposition will not eliminate this imminent diabolical threat of atheistic anti-Catholic slavery, the works of communist Hell approaching its final stage of temporal victory, for which evils these servants of Satan will render account to God, most of them for all eternity in the unquenchable fires of Hell FOREVER ! But the true Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, today not in Rome but in the catacombs, will continue protected and helped by Christ our Lord, as He has promised...

Any cooperation with these communist criminals is abominable and HERETICAL...“Do NOT bear the yoke with infidels...” (2nd Corinthians 6 : 14 - 16)...

10 June 2022

VIDEO - The canonical sentence of excommunication of the traitor to the true Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre...

Video publication produced on the Feria 6 Pentecostes, also the Feast of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Widow...10 June 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The canonical sentence of excommunication of the traitor to the true Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre...

The canonical sentence of excommunication of the traitor to the true Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre...this document of the true Holy Apostolic See of the true Roman Catholic Church Divine Institution teaches and declares as IPSO FACTO excommunicated the most notorious heretic and in fact direct enemy of the genuine and true Roman Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, his most serious heretical works and deeds, fabricated false doctrines full of heresy and his denial, implicit and even explicit, of the Canonical, theological and doctrinal safeguards of the genuine Papacy and clerical office in general, the sanctity and validity of the Sacraments and Church Laws regarding their administration, including the true and INFALLIBLE Canonical safeguards of the Apostolic doctrine pertaining to the dignity and validity of the genuine Catholic Priesthood and Episcopate, and the validity of the Sacrament of Penance and the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...
NB: This posthumous ecclesiastical trial document of the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre demonstrates clearly that no heretic sectarian can EVER occupy the Chair of St. Peter and retain or obtain the valid Papacy...which Divine and true Catholic Church Law has Archbishop Lefebvre willfully denied and is therefore paying for this his crime of evident and proven explicit HERESY in Hell FOREVER !

10 May 2022

VIDEO - Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Medard, Bishop, within the Octave of Corpus Christi - 8 June 2021 AD...REPUBLISHED HERE FOR ITS IMPORTANT CONTEXT TO DATE !!!

PLAY VIDEO - Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...

Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...that the time of Divine punishment of this world is near, is illustrated by the fact how the devil through his trusted agents, godless atheistic enemies of the Catholic Church, the pestilent criminal state run Mafia called Communist Party, led by the Russian Communist leadership and over the extended period of decades passed, this same Synagogue of Satan had succeeded in installing into the places of Catholic religion, including that of the See of Rome, the Vatican, these highly trained agents of Communism, who, not to enlarge on the standing communist practice to cover up their diabolically incensed tracks of evil, have decreed not to permit these such agents to possess the membership in the Communist Party, but to be fully allied with it by agency of their firm and unwavering loyalty of subordination to the orders and strategy of their Communist superiors, these agents have intruded themselves and attempted to penetrate such places of Catholic Church and Her ecclesiastical magisterial influence, in order to execute their diabolical strategy of subversion of the Church into their evil hands of Atheistic Communism, to pervert whatsoever they can lay their hands on, including the Sacred Doctrine, Liturgy and Dogmas of the Church and to lure the unstable and failing Catholic laity into their heretical fabricated false religion, and so these devastating horrifying results of the works of these Communist Antichrists can be painfully seen in these our times...this publication of the true Holy See condemns and presents these deeds of diabolical Communist evil for all to see them in their true colors...and God will repay them in full ! But the true Roman Catholic Church, as Divine Institution, continues with the help of our Lord all days, even unto the consummation of the world !

THEREFORE...let all true Catholics be faithful (or become faithful) to our Lord Jesus Christ, as true Catholic souls, and you will be brought to the bosom of His genuine Catholic Church, but all insincere and impostors will be known and recognized, as God will make them to be seen and recognized by their evil fruits which such evil trees cannot hide, as all evil is a lie against the truth and justice of God...and God does repay such evils !  And so long as the world and those who dare to claim to be Catholic continue to recognize this horrible Sect of Satan occupying the Vatican and worldwide Church property, such a sacrilege and denial to help the true Catholic Church God will reward in His wrath to come, for to serve the devil means to deny to serve God and He will repay !

03 May 2022

VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the false heretical secular opinion regarding the sin of abortion...

Video publication produced on the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, also Feast of St. Alexander I, Pope, Martyr and St. Eventius, St. Theodulos and St. Juvenalus, Martyrs - 3 May 2022 AD... 
The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the false heretical secular opinion regarding the sin of the light of the recent development in the United States of America, where the secular justice system has decided to invent its non-existent authority in matters of Faith and Morals, which authority by Divine Right belongs solely and only to the Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church, this true Holy Apostolic See in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, using Our Apostolic Authority to define and or condemn such heretical fabrications from the civil powers of the state, this publication addresses in no uncertain terms, and utterly condemns this present deliberations of the Supreme Court of the USA as a sacrilegious intrusion into the matters of the Catholic Faith and Morals, thoroughly heretical and absolutely insufficient and scandalous disregard of the first binding principle of all human acts - the Divine Law of God, namely the 5th Commandment and the Supreme Teaching Authority of the true Roman Catholic Church defining it...

27 April 2022

VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Peter Canisius, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, also the Feast of St. Zita, Virgin - 27 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...

The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...this pernicious and absolutely heretical theory, clearly concocted by the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church under the instigation of their master the devil, is deprived of all theological and canonical foundation and justified in none of the doctrinal infallible teaching of the Holy Mother Church, these heretical proponents of this most perverted, preposterous and clearly canonically and theologically deprived theory of sedeprivationism continue to propose it as if the proper and infallible protection of the Church's safeguards regarding the valid Papacy were not provided by Christ our Lord, through the supernatural Divine power of the Holy Ghost, to the Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church, which, on the contrary, is the essential part of the Divinely revealed Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and therefore those who attempt to continue to assert this heretical lie and diabolically supplied fabricated concoction, such enemies of God cannot and will not obtain their eternal salvation, which, them as heretics and therefore outside the true Roman Catholic Church, they are excluded and will regret their heretical poison at the God will repay it in full. This Holy Apostolic See, today in exile, by Our Apostolic Authority, fully condemns this heretical theory as destructive of all justice and truth and therefore pernicious and most evil, itself leading those who would blindly believe it solely to the eternal perdition in the unquenchable fires of Hell...

20 April 2022

VIDEO - Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens”...

Video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See produced on the Feria 4 in Paschaltide (Easter Wednesday), Feast of St. Marcellinus, Bishop - 20 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens”...

Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens” of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the protection of the Laws of the Sanctuary, exposing the heretical and also idolatrous errors of the this Official Catholic Church Infallible Doctrinal Document the true Holy Apostolic See, in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff Jacobus I anathematizes and fully condemns ALL contrary practice and heretical fraudulent unapproved customs of the already IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and of the sedevacantist heretics, and of the non-Catholic APOSTATE diabolically driven pro-communist Sect Novus Ordo, under the pain of excommunication of all who would, God avert, attempt to contradict, disregard, refute or otherwise oppose this Our Constitution, let them know that they will incur the wrath of God Almighty and of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul...

17 April 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD...

Video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See produced on the Feast of the Sabbato Sancto Vigil, the Midnight Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of the Sabbato Sancto Vigil of the Dominica Resurrectionis, also the Feast of St. Anicetus, Pope, Martyr - 17 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD - the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ our Lord We celebrate, by the grace of God and His mercy, today, and that Our Lord Jesus has redeemed the whole and entire human race from the slavery and satanic yoke of the devil, by which this infernal tyrant has held till then the whole human race as hostages and slaves. And the only one to redeem the human race was (is) God Himself, Who by His ultimate mercy sent His only begotten Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ, to repay for the unworthy sinners their due owed to the Divine Justice, and once and for all to vanquish the devil, the infernal serpent, and destroy his evil schemes. And the fact of the Dogma of the only true religion, which is Catholic Tradition and nothing else, is that outside the true Catholic Church there is no salvation, there are very few today who will fully understand this essential truth and build upon it, for the sake and safety of their immortal soul...

01 April 2022

VIDEO - Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...

Video publication produced on the Feria XI after 4th Dominica in Lent, the Feast of St. Hugh, Bishop – 1 April 2022 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...

Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...theological document from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the subject of the present time diplomatic and political developments in the world, and the manifold disregard of the truth and in fact of the true analysis of the present time tragic and more evil situation to come, by the political secular leaders and various policy-makers of the western countries, how the systemic blindness to the truth that the upcoming worldwide open conflict, the communist atheistic revolution, is nothing less but the foretold punishment from God, of this godless, immoral wicked and evil world, as Our Lady of Fatima foretold, and as it is evidently coming to pass, that the time of the Antichrist and his henchmen, the atheistic godless brutal tyranny, the worldwide Russian and Chinese led communist revolution, is nearly at hand...but the true Divine Institution, this true Roman Catholic Church, will remain protected by Christ our Lord, our Divine Founder, as He has promised, and the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Church, for God is with Us and the devil's servants neither him can do absolutely nothing about it or against it...but the rest of the world is about to learn the price of its sacrilegious unbelief from Christ our Lord God Himself !

26 March 2022

VIDEO - Invalid absolution from sins without the valid faculty from the true Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Ferial Day, the Feast of St. Ludger, Bishop - 26 March 2022 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Invalid absolution from sins without the valid faculty from the true Catholic Church...

Invalid absolution from sins without the valid faculty from the true Catholic Church...a diabolical heretical lie is being perpetrated upon the blindly trusting souls of potential converts, by the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the so called SSPV (Society of St. Pius V) and by other such like illegitimate non-existent “orders” as well, which horrible deception and heresy is here by this official publication of the true Holy Apostolic See refuted and fully condemned, by the Supreme Teaching Authority of the true Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...this publication also condemns the heretical assertion of the SSPV heretic William Jenkins, which, his heretical and absolutely scandalous recent fabricated opinion in fact encourages the SSPV so called laity and other potential converts to visit and frequent the company of the Novus Ordo treasonous former priests, who have obtained a valid priestly ordination in the past, but have betrayed the Catholic Church by their apostate acceptance of the Novus Ordo Sectarian false heretical religion of Satan and thus have forfeited their priestly and Episcopal clerical office and thus their true faculties to administer licitly (and in some cases validly) the Sacraments...

25 March 2022

LIVE STREAM - The layman impostor Bergoglio's “Consecration of Russia” is a HERESY, NULL and INVALID in front of God...

Live stream of the Holy Apostolic See produced on the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Maria - 25 March 2022 AD...

LIVE STREAM of the Holy Apostolic See - The layman impostor Bergoglio's “Consecration of Russia” is a HERESY, NULL and INVALID in front of God...this truly abomination and direct heresy in front of Christ our Lord by the apostate usurpers of the true Roman Catholic Church property and clerical titles, which offices of Papacy and Cardinals and Bishops are by Divine and Canon Law of the Catholic Church not in hands of heretics and therefore not in the hands of this APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect, and thus this abominable heretical fraudulent ceremony these enemies of God are about to attempt will only bring the wrath of God on them and on all those who would dare to promote and publicize such a heretical falsehood...which is nothing less than the work of the devil, through these his communist servants, benefiting the KGB communist Russian military strategy of communist worldwide domination, as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima...

23 March 2022

VIDEO - Questions pertaining to the situation of the heretics of the Novus Ordo Sect...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Victorian and companions, Martyrs - 23 March 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Questions pertaining to the situation of the heretics of the Novus Ordo Sect...

Questions pertaining to the situation of the heretics of the Novus Ordo Sect...This Apostolic Decree from the true Holy Apostolic See decides the subject of the rule of conditional baptism of the former members of the APOSTATE non-Catholic Sect called Novus Ordo, and the infallible doctrinal decision by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on this important subject, with this promulgated proper Pontifical Decree in this regard, granted solely upon the necessary and already prescribed sincere abjuration of heresy on part of the potential applicants for the membership in the true Roman Catholic Church, the former members of the said Novus Ordo Sect...includes the Holy See's condemnation of the heretical doctrine on the same subject of conditional baptism from the notorious heretics, namely the so called SSPV (Society of St. Pius V), in the person of the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretic William Jenkins, the evident servant of the devil, enemy of the Roman Catholic Church and impostor to the Holy Catholic Priesthood...

17 March 2022

VIDEO - Our Lady of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia...His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Patrick, Bishop, Confessor - 17 March 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Our Lady of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia...

Our Lady of Fatima and the Consecration of Russia - Apostolic Document of the Holy Apostolic See on the subject of the present time heretical and absolutely invalid attempt of the APOSTATE Novus Ordo pro-communist Sect of the layman impostor to the Papacy Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to consecrate the still KGB Communist run Russia to the Immaculate Heart of our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Maria, as She by Divine Will of God requested in 1917 AD in the village of Fatima in Portugal, during Her apparition (Church approved) to 3 little children, with all the necessary conditions imposed by Heaven for this consecration to be accepted and Russia's conversion instantly supernaturally performed by God, and that this attempt of this Novus Ordo Sect must be fully rejected as it is absolutely heretical (no true dignity of Papacy, invalid and thus NULL Episcopate and null Priesthood, lack of jurisdiction and authority, lack of valid clerical office and membership in the true Catholic Church), and therefore this true Apostolic See through the true Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, fully condemns such heretical, intentionally deceptive and pro-communist sacrilegious mockery of God, which, and it seems to be the case, is about to be accomplished by these apostate enemies of the Catholic Church, this horrible sacrilegious Novus Ordo Sect of laymen pretenders, which Sect had by design stolen the worldwide Catholic Church property, including the Vatican, and is using it for this heretical invalid and thus highly abominable purposes, and that this attempt to “consecrate” the still communist controlled Russia will only bring upon the whole world Divine wrath of never seen magnitude...

04 March 2022

VIDEO - Video Address of His Holiness true Pope Jacobus I...Russian Atheistic Communism is Divine punishment of this world...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Casimir, Confessor, St. Lucius I, Pope, Martyr - 4 March 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Video Address of His Holiness true Pope Jacobus I...Russian Atheistic Communism is Divine punishment of this world...

Video Address of His Holiness true Pope Jacobus I...Russian Atheistic Communism is Divine punishment of this world...the price of godlessness and pretended piety, and heretical adherence to the diabolically fabricated theological inventions of our times, and the abominable decades long heretical appeasement of the Russian and Chinese Communist criminals, when their long-term strategic plans call for total and forceful militant installation of atheistic communism all over the world, the same diabolical doctrine has been many times condemned and exposed by the Holy Mother true Roman Catholic Church, and yet to no avail today, as the horrific situation in Ukraine clearly demonstrates that there can never be any successful negotiations with communist atheistic criminals, as their fanatical adherence to their evil plans overrides any such promises they make, promises and agreements which this Russian and Chinese communist state run Mafia will never keep and these devil's servants serve him, no matter how much destruction and murdered people it may cost, that is worldwide...yes, worldwide...and as Our Lady of Fatima warned this world about Russia, being the tool of Divine punishment of this world, so it is coming soon to become reality...not just in Ukraine, but everywhere else...but the Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church will remain protected by God, as He has promised... the aftermath of the denial of the truth of the revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, what is left is the punishment from God falling upon those who would have dared to do this evil to our Lord, and so that is why so few do recognize this truth where His true Roman Catholic Church, the only Divine Institution, today is, where the true Vicar of Christ our Lord, the genuine and rightful Sovereign Pontiff is...and only those who do recognize this truth, will be helped by the Truth Himself...and the rest will be visited by Him in serious and most severe punishment...upcoming !

20 February 2022

LIVE VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the communist takeover of Canada...

Video publication produced on the Dominica Sexagesima - 20 February 2022 AD...
LIVE VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the communist takeover of Canada...imminent danger to human and religious rights, KGB and CCP atheistic communist enemies of the mankind in charge...worldwide communist tyranny...

18 February 2022

VIDEO - The Holy See condemnation of the SSPX HERESY in the case of the genocidal mandates...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Simeon, Bishop, Martyr - 18 February 2022 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - The Holy See condemnation of the SSPX HERESY in the case of the genocidal mandates...

The Holy See condemnation of the SSPX HERESY in the case of the genocidal mandates...this video document from the true Roman Catholic Church's rightful Magisterial Authority of the Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I condemns the recent heretical proclamation from the illegitimate and in fact non-existent Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), from these same IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics about their truly scandalous denial of the true Catholic Church doctrine in regards to these dangerous and toxic injections, which poisonous substances are forbidden by this Holy See to be obtained by the Catholic faithful and for all who wish to be admitted into the true Roman Catholic Church (but only after their sincere abjuration of heresy and the whole prescribed admission procedure), this same fraudulent SSPX “order” has issued a heretical deception on this important subject and these enemies of the Church have dared to publicize this heretical abomination as their proclamation, once more and again to  persevere in their service to their master the devil, to drive countless unwitting souls into this mortal sin of heresy and into explicit and implicit denial of, and or their heretical disregard of the genuine Magisterial Authority of the Divine Institution true Roman Catholic Church... the aftermath of the denial of the truth of the revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, what is left is the punishment from God falling upon those who would have dared to do this evil to our Lord, and so that is why so few do recognize this truth where His true Roman Catholic Church, the only Divine Institution, today is, where the true Vicar of Christ our Lord, the genuine and rightful Sovereign Pontiff is...and only those who do recognize this truth, will be helped by the Truth Himself...and the rest will be visited by Him in serious and most severe punishment...upcoming !

11 February 2022

VIDEO - The Holy See condemnation of the heretical lies of the enemies of the Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - 11 February 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The Holy See condemnation of the heretical lies of the enemies of the Catholic Church...

The Holy See condemnation of the heretical lies of the enemies of the Catholic Church...this video publication produced by the true Holy Apostolic See, the Apostolic Document from His Holiness the true Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the recent heretical proclamations from the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of SSPX, SSPV and now the so called sedevacantist heretics, and their evident misleading and directly heretical assertions on the subject of the poisonous injection substances and their genocidal mandating from various secular governments of the world, and the direct condemnation of such mandates as heretical and criminal abuse of God given authority, and the scandalous abominable example of various direct and heretical lies from the circles of the notorious and IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretic Donald J. Sanborn, him directly leading into heresy and sinful conduct various unstable souls who would listen to such servants of Satan, as these excommunicated enemies of God...This Apostolic See Video Document fully binds all true and potential Catholic souls in conscience and must be obeyed in full, and it is not open to discussion... the aftermath of the denial of the truth of the revealed Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, what is left is the punishment from God falling upon those who would have dared to do this evil to our Lord, and so that is why so few do recognize this truth where His true Roman Catholic Church, the only Divine Institution, today is, where the true Vicar of Christ our Lord, the genuine and rightful Sovereign Pontiff is...and only those who do recognize this truth, will be helped by the Truth Himself...and the rest will be visited by Him in serious and most severe punishment...upcoming !

24 January 2022

VIDEO - Catechism of the Council of Trent - Part 1 of 4, Lesson 15 - The Apostles Creed 12...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Timothy, Bishop, Martyr - 24 January 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Catechism of the Council of Trent - Part 1 of 4, Lesson 15 - The Apostles Creed 12...

Catechism of the Council of Trent - Part 1 of 4, Lesson 15 - The Apostles' Creed 12...the 12 articles of the Apostles' Creed, established by the Apostles themselves, each of them one, before they began their Divinely commanded universal teaching of the Catholic religion, in order to accomplish millions of conversions into the true religion of God, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, so in today's Lesson 15 the true Holy See continues to teach the true doctrine, now on the 12th article of the Apostles' Creed, which is “...(I believe) in life everlasting. Amen.”