
27 April 2022

VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Peter Canisius, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, also the Feast of St. Zita, Virgin - 27 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...

The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the heresy of sedeprivationism...this pernicious and absolutely heretical theory, clearly concocted by the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church under the instigation of their master the devil, is deprived of all theological and canonical foundation and justified in none of the doctrinal infallible teaching of the Holy Mother Church, these heretical proponents of this most perverted, preposterous and clearly canonically and theologically deprived theory of sedeprivationism continue to propose it as if the proper and infallible protection of the Church's safeguards regarding the valid Papacy were not provided by Christ our Lord, through the supernatural Divine power of the Holy Ghost, to the Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church, which, on the contrary, is the essential part of the Divinely revealed Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and therefore those who attempt to continue to assert this heretical lie and diabolically supplied fabricated concoction, such enemies of God cannot and will not obtain their eternal salvation, which, them as heretics and therefore outside the true Roman Catholic Church, they are excluded and will regret their heretical poison at the God will repay it in full. This Holy Apostolic See, today in exile, by Our Apostolic Authority, fully condemns this heretical theory as destructive of all justice and truth and therefore pernicious and most evil, itself leading those who would blindly believe it solely to the eternal perdition in the unquenchable fires of Hell...

20 April 2022

VIDEO - Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens”...

Video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See produced on the Feria 4 in Paschaltide (Easter Wednesday), Feast of St. Marcellinus, Bishop - 20 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens”...

Decree of the Holy Apostolic See concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens” of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the protection of the Laws of the Sanctuary, exposing the heretical and also idolatrous errors of the this Official Catholic Church Infallible Doctrinal Document the true Holy Apostolic See, in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff Jacobus I anathematizes and fully condemns ALL contrary practice and heretical fraudulent unapproved customs of the already IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and of the sedevacantist heretics, and of the non-Catholic APOSTATE diabolically driven pro-communist Sect Novus Ordo, under the pain of excommunication of all who would, God avert, attempt to contradict, disregard, refute or otherwise oppose this Our Constitution, let them know that they will incur the wrath of God Almighty and of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul...

17 April 2022

VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD...

Video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See produced on the Feast of the Sabbato Sancto Vigil, the Midnight Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of the Sabbato Sancto Vigil of the Dominica Resurrectionis, also the Feast of St. Anicetus, Pope, Martyr - 17 April 2022 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Sabbato Sancto Easter Dominica...17 April 2022 AD - the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ our Lord We celebrate, by the grace of God and His mercy, today, and that Our Lord Jesus has redeemed the whole and entire human race from the slavery and satanic yoke of the devil, by which this infernal tyrant has held till then the whole human race as hostages and slaves. And the only one to redeem the human race was (is) God Himself, Who by His ultimate mercy sent His only begotten Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ, to repay for the unworthy sinners their due owed to the Divine Justice, and once and for all to vanquish the devil, the infernal serpent, and destroy his evil schemes. And the fact of the Dogma of the only true religion, which is Catholic Tradition and nothing else, is that outside the true Catholic Church there is no salvation, there are very few today who will fully understand this essential truth and build upon it, for the sake and safety of their immortal soul...

01 April 2022

VIDEO - Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...

Video publication produced on the Feria XI after 4th Dominica in Lent, the Feast of St. Hugh, Bishop – 1 April 2022 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...

Do not bear the yoke with unbelievers...the doctrinal document of the true Holy Apostolic See...theological document from His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the subject of the present time diplomatic and political developments in the world, and the manifold disregard of the truth and in fact of the true analysis of the present time tragic and more evil situation to come, by the political secular leaders and various policy-makers of the western countries, how the systemic blindness to the truth that the upcoming worldwide open conflict, the communist atheistic revolution, is nothing less but the foretold punishment from God, of this godless, immoral wicked and evil world, as Our Lady of Fatima foretold, and as it is evidently coming to pass, that the time of the Antichrist and his henchmen, the atheistic godless brutal tyranny, the worldwide Russian and Chinese led communist revolution, is nearly at hand...but the true Divine Institution, this true Roman Catholic Church, will remain protected by Christ our Lord, our Divine Founder, as He has promised, and the gates of Hell will never prevail against the Church, for God is with Us and the devil's servants neither him can do absolutely nothing about it or against it...but the rest of the world is about to learn the price of its sacrilegious unbelief from Christ our Lord God Himself !