
10 May 2022

VIDEO - Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Medard, Bishop, within the Octave of Corpus Christi - 8 June 2021 AD...REPUBLISHED HERE FOR ITS IMPORTANT CONTEXT TO DATE !!!

PLAY VIDEO - Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...

Communist attack against the genuine Catholic Church...that the time of Divine punishment of this world is near, is illustrated by the fact how the devil through his trusted agents, godless atheistic enemies of the Catholic Church, the pestilent criminal state run Mafia called Communist Party, led by the Russian Communist leadership and over the extended period of decades passed, this same Synagogue of Satan had succeeded in installing into the places of Catholic religion, including that of the See of Rome, the Vatican, these highly trained agents of Communism, who, not to enlarge on the standing communist practice to cover up their diabolically incensed tracks of evil, have decreed not to permit these such agents to possess the membership in the Communist Party, but to be fully allied with it by agency of their firm and unwavering loyalty of subordination to the orders and strategy of their Communist superiors, these agents have intruded themselves and attempted to penetrate such places of Catholic Church and Her ecclesiastical magisterial influence, in order to execute their diabolical strategy of subversion of the Church into their evil hands of Atheistic Communism, to pervert whatsoever they can lay their hands on, including the Sacred Doctrine, Liturgy and Dogmas of the Church and to lure the unstable and failing Catholic laity into their heretical fabricated false religion, and so these devastating horrifying results of the works of these Communist Antichrists can be painfully seen in these our times...this publication of the true Holy See condemns and presents these deeds of diabolical Communist evil for all to see them in their true colors...and God will repay them in full ! But the true Roman Catholic Church, as Divine Institution, continues with the help of our Lord all days, even unto the consummation of the world !

THEREFORE...let all true Catholics be faithful (or become faithful) to our Lord Jesus Christ, as true Catholic souls, and you will be brought to the bosom of His genuine Catholic Church, but all insincere and impostors will be known and recognized, as God will make them to be seen and recognized by their evil fruits which such evil trees cannot hide, as all evil is a lie against the truth and justice of God...and God does repay such evils !  And so long as the world and those who dare to claim to be Catholic continue to recognize this horrible Sect of Satan occupying the Vatican and worldwide Church property, such a sacrilege and denial to help the true Catholic Church God will reward in His wrath to come, for to serve the devil means to deny to serve God and He will repay !

03 May 2022

VIDEO - The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the false heretical secular opinion regarding the sin of abortion...

Video publication produced on the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, also Feast of St. Alexander I, Pope, Martyr and St. Eventius, St. Theodulos and St. Juvenalus, Martyrs - 3 May 2022 AD... 
The Holy Apostolic See condemnation of the false heretical secular opinion regarding the sin of the light of the recent development in the United States of America, where the secular justice system has decided to invent its non-existent authority in matters of Faith and Morals, which authority by Divine Right belongs solely and only to the Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church, this true Holy Apostolic See in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, using Our Apostolic Authority to define and or condemn such heretical fabrications from the civil powers of the state, this publication addresses in no uncertain terms, and utterly condemns this present deliberations of the Supreme Court of the USA as a sacrilegious intrusion into the matters of the Catholic Faith and Morals, thoroughly heretical and absolutely insufficient and scandalous disregard of the first binding principle of all human acts - the Divine Law of God, namely the 5th Commandment and the Supreme Teaching Authority of the true Roman Catholic Church defining it...