
30 July 2021

VIDEO - Veni Sancte Spiritus - Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Abdon and St. Sennen, Martyrs - 30 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Veni Sancte Spiritus - Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I

Veni Sancte Spiritus - Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of sanctity and sanctification of the true Catholic soul, and the present time difficulties regarding the worldwide spread of apostasy, the widespread denial of the true Catholic religion (which is solely Catholic Tradition) and on the horrifying acceptance of the heretical poisonous novelties of the Atheistic Communist diabolical origin...

THEREFORE..the Divine gift of salvation, which means the priceless gift of Catholic Faith, is not given by our Lord to those who neglect, or will neglect, to be grateful to Him for it, and who will not take this gift and bring forth true and only good fruits by professing it and practicing it in full, as anything else they attempt to do to the contrary is insufficient and thus can never please God, and will not lead them to their eternal salvation at the end, for all that is opposed to the Catholic Faith is heresy and leads only to Hell at the end, no exceptions !




28 July 2021

VIDEO - The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Nazarius and St. Celsius, Martyrs, Feast of St. Victor I, Pope and Martyr, and the Feast of St. Innocent I, Pope and Confessor - 28 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...

The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...the evident and extremely cunning heretical poison of Satan, disseminated by his trusted agents, the enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, as the Novus Ordo APOSTATE neo-Protestant pro-communist Sect and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated SSPX heretics and other such diabolically driven elements of evil, and so this important publication from the Holy See warns the genuine Catholic faithful not to fall into such extremely cunning and therefore dangerous heretical lie of the devil, and why it is so that this heresy was able to be disseminated abroad so vastly and has been so widespread worldwide...this publication is the summary of the infallible doctrine on this subject of condemnation of this most pernicious heresy, for the safety of the souls of the Catholic faithful and full conversion of those who have realized the essential truth that outside this true Roman Catholic Church and without the firm, true and sincere profession of the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, there is absolutely no salvation...

THEREFORE...such servants of the devil, evident enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, as this APOSTATE pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect, which had by its diabolical design purposely stolen the Catholic Church's worldwide property, including the Vatican, and these SSPX heretics, collaborators of this Novus Ordo Sect, alongside those vast in number heretics who have emanated from the SSPX illegitimate “order” as the SSPX-MC, SSPV and the sedevacantist heretics, all have one purpose ONLY - serving the devil in their heretical poisons these enemies of the true Catholic Church disseminate in abundance, and as they do NOT fear God's punishment, which is imminent now to come soon, the more they will be surprised at its magnitude and Divine efficacy of it, when they are all visited by our Lord for all such heretical evils these heretics cause and have caused, destroying souls for the devil, their tyrannical master...!

25 July 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of St. James (the Greater), Apostle, 9th Dominica after Pentecost...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. James (the Greater), Apostle, 9th Dominica after Pentecost, also the Feast of St. Christopher, Martyr - 25 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of St. James (the Greater), Apostle, 9th Dominica after Pentecost...

Sermon on the Feast of St. James (the Greater), Apostle, 9th Dominica after today's Gospel our Lord speaks to the mother of the Sons of Zebedee St. John and St. James, who asks our Lord to grant her 2 sons the privilege to be seated at the right and left hand of our Lord in the Heavenly Kingdom of God, and yet the reply of our Lord, seemingly strict, is teaching us to always be humble and desire not any honors God Himself does not grant, but solely to serve Him in all our will and humility, fighting our vices and acquiring virtues instead, by the grace of God, waiting for Him to do His own will, on Our behalf and that of His Church, in patience, which means waiting for our Lord to help His true Catholic Church, substantially, and punish those who do Us evil, considerably... our Lord is in charge of helping and protecting His true and only Roman Catholic Church, and thus in sustaining Her and His true Vicar with all necessities, in doctrine of the canonical and dogmatic sense, and in temporal matters regarding the Church's daily necessities, where to offer the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to God and have Our abode and needs supplied by the bounty of our Lord, all such questions and answers are in the hands of God, and He takes care of them, because this godless world is failing His Church, and rather serves the devil and its own belly than God, for which sacrilegious denial of its duties imposed by God, this world, including all lying heretics and apostate sectarians, will have to render account to our Lord, very soon...

22 July 2021

VIDEO - The significant signs of diabolical deception in the acts of the SSPX heretics...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent - 22 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The significant signs of diabolical deception in the acts of the SSPX heretics...

The significant signs of diabolical deception in the acts of the SSPX heretics and why it is then they are excommunicated...this extremely important publication of the true Apostolic Holy See, in its infallible doctrine, and in fact public condemnation of such horrendous heretics as these SSPX and similar heretical frauds and impostors to the genuine Holy Catholic Priesthood, this publication declares the truth about their scandalous heretical and even sacrilegious actions which these IPSO FACTO excommunicated SSPX heretics do not blush about, as such servants of the devil are visibly content that such by them committed sacrilegious evils and scandals are the more propagated and spread abroad, to the scandal of the unwitting souls of the genuine Catholic faithful, the new catechumen and converts from heresy, including those freed by the mercy of God from the apostasy of the non-Catholic neo-Protestant pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect and brought to the Divine light of the truth of the genuine Catholic religion, by the infinite mercy and supernatural grace of God...this non-existent false SSPX “order” and those heretics who emanated from it, and who are declared excommunicated from the unity of the true Roman Catholic Church, their heretical and sacrilegious evils are heretofore condemned to the fullest extent of the Catholic Church Magisterial Authority by this true Holy Apostolic See...

THEREFORE...these and other such like heretics are therefore serving the devil their master and lure unwitting or deceived souls into their conventicles only to poison them with their heretical lies and false diabolically supplied doctrines...and so to be freed from such evils, which otherwise lead to Hell, one must reject them fully and without any exception, and be reconciled with the true Catholic Church, the way the Holy Mother Church commands it to be done, in holy and complete obedience of a humble soul of the potential other possibility exists, as all others are and remain heretics and apostates, outside the Church and on their way to Hell !

18 July 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the 8th Dominica after Pentecost...

Video publication produced on the 8th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor and the Feast of St. Symphorosa and her Seven Sons, Martyrs - 18 July 2021 AD...

Sermon on the 8th Dominica after today's Gospel our Lord warns us of those who, being severed from the unity of His Church, which is solely and only the true Roman Catholic Church, such souls being left by God to their own misery, are capable of producing and embracing all kinds of evils and wickedness, as then such perverted souls are subject to the tyrannical yoke of Satan, their merciless evil master, who will not let them go unless God upon their firm and thorough and sincere conversion has mercy on such souls and helps them to recover from their slavery to the devil, by whom they are held at his will (yes, as his slaves). This is the common ground of all heretics, apostate sectarians and infidels, as they are not truly Catholic and therefore reject God Himself, His Church and our Lord's mercy, as disobedient bastards and criminals these apostates are, and there is no help to them and they are able to do all kinds of evils, as their master the devil sees fit to his evil purpose against the true Catholic Church, our Lord's true Vicar, and all the genuine Catholic faithful, for which evils, such slaves of Satan and himself also, will pay VERY DEARLY to God, and therefore, as our Lord teaches us in the Gospel, those who fail in obtaining help by their own endeavor will then obtain from Him at the end and for their sufferings the eternal reward of Heavenly bliss, and as martyrs to the true Faith, they will glorify God forever and ever, for His mercy upon their soul, which they were able to save for all eternity...but the evil and abominable servants of Satan, which means all such heretics and other enemies of the true Catholic Church, they will at the end receive their portion in the pool of fire and brimstone in Hell, alongside their master the devil, who seduced them and ruled them to their evil exception !

THEREFORE...the remedy of avoiding all such upcoming horrible evils that God in His wrath will most certainly inflict upon such disgraced and disobedient apostate world, is to become truly Catholic, but that can only be granted to those souls who strive in genuine sincerity to learn the Catholic Faith (which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, through the Catechism, namely the Catechism of the Council of Trent), and they leave all else as detrimental to their eternal salvation, and subordinate all they have to this same end, the state of their immortal soul and their truly becoming Catholics, or else otherwise Hell is full of people who were given this chance of their lifetime and they preferred to remain heretics, apostates and infidels instead, and now these heretics are paying for it to God for all eternity in the unquenchable fires of Hell !

17 July 2021

VIDEO - The Apostolic See CONDEMNATION of the Novus Ordo false ceremonies...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Alexius, Confessor - 17 July 2021 AD...

The Apostolic See CONDEMNATION of the Novus Ordo false ceremonies...that false and therefore heretical ceremonies that were invented by the father of all lies the devil, through his trusted collaborators, the notorious APOSTATE enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church, those with the Communist Atheistic conviction and fraudulent philosophical and utterly heretical and fully diabolical beliefs, which include not only this APOSTATE pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect, occupying in sacrilege the Catholic Church's worldwide property, including the Vatican, which property this horrible Sect of the devil had by design stolen from the Catholic Church, but also those IPSO FACTO fully excommunicated reprobated notorious heretics as the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and also the sedevacantist heretics, who in HERESY deny the infallible doctrine of the Vatican Council and thus the Supreme Authority of the Sovereign Pontiff - Pius IX in this case, that Blessed Peter has perpetual line of Successors possessing by the Will of God the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, as it is in Our present person, granted by our Lord and by His selection, not of Our merit...this publication fully explains and reprobates and condemns to the fullest extent of Our Apostolic Supreme Teaching Authority this Novus Ordo false ceremonies, including their sectarian neo-Protestant false and utterly non-Catholic and thus invalid worship, as utterly NULL, HERETICAL, even IDOLATROUS and therefore an abomination to God, for which those who dare to recognize it (and continue recognizing it even after this Our condemnation) will pay the price of their heretical false religion to God, and He WILL require FULL !

THEREFORE...there is simply no reconciliation of the truth with this heretical poison of this false and truly abominable heretical and also idolatrous Novus Ordo mockery of God, as it is thoroughly INVALID and utterly NULL and VOID, and whomsoever dares to frequent such places of false diabolical mockery, including also those places of the heretics who recognize it, becomes guilty of sacrilege and of insulting God and His true Catholic Church, and remains utterly severed from the chance of eternal salvation, as all heretics and apostates and infidels are IPSO FACTO excommunicated, specially reserved to the judgment of this true Apostolic See (Canon 2314, 1917 Code of Canon Law)...!

12 July 2021

VIDEO - VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the situation of the true Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. John Gualbert, Abbot, and the Feast of St. Felix and St. Nabor, Martyrs - 12 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the situation of the true Catholic Church...

VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the situation of the true Catholic Church...that the present situation is such, as the main persecutor of the genuine Roman Catholic Church is none other but Satan himself, using all kinds of evil tactics and strategies to continue his useless attempt to destroy the true Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, of Which, this Bride of Christ our Lord, We have been made its (unworthy) Supreme Pastor, there is no mistake that such evils have befallen this true and only Church, and therefore being mindful of Our exalted duty to our Lord, We do raise Our voice, and once again, in order to warn this wicked world that the time of the open persecution from the devil's servant the godless Antichrist and his Communist cohorts is nearly at hand and that, We, as Our duty towards God dictates irrefutably do denounce this fact and signs of this communist atheistic evil coming, to those who still sincerely desire to save their souls for God and all eternity...this is the present subject of Our video address to this world, which, We are convinced by painful experience, will mostly remain unheeded and therefor the subsequent teaching consequences will ensue from such scandalous mistrust on part of the world's populus when it learns the price of unbelief through these such evils, coming up...

THEREFORE...there is no mistake in the outcome how this world has progressed into such a horrendous mire of sin and iniquity and what God will do about it and what evils will befall this apostate world in return, as God will permit these Communist evils and slavery to come and those who will continue denying His Laws and precepts of His Church, that is of the genuine and true Roman Catholic Church, in their denial they will reap only these Divinely permitted evils and punishment for themselves, as to be willfully in the tyrannical hands of the devil does not pay...!

11 July 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the 7th Dominica after Pentecost...the 3rd Secret of Fatima revealed by our Lord...

Video publication produced on the 7th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Pius I, Pope, Martyr - 11 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the 7th Dominica after Pentecost...

Sermon on the 7th Dominica after today's Gospel the words of our Lord prove prophetic and speaking of these our times, most evil for the true and genuine Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church (outside of which there is only fires of Hell and no salvation), and so these words of our Lord speak about the false prophets in the clothing of sheep, and such is the situation today, when the Novus Ordo apostate sectarians and their SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV etc. supporting cohorts, heretics and pretenders to the Holy Catholic Priesthood, as likewise also the sedevacantist heretics, do cause diabolical evils and lure unstable and unwitting souls into their sects and conventicles, only to help the devil their master to destroy their chance of salvation and ruin such blinded souls and those who would follow their example. But there is no excuse for such perverted people, as our Lord warns us about the evil fruits from such evil trees, the false prophets, impostors to the Priesthood, lacking the Divinely given dignity thereof...and the only way to be reconciled with God in His true Roman Catholic Church is to abjure the heresies espoused and sincerely petition this same true Holy See for the absolution from their heresy, by the person of this true Vicarius Christi, without which, they cannot and will NOT be all heretics and apostates and infidels burn in Hell and will burn in Hell forever, without any exception !

THEREFORE...the remedy to be sought is simple – just be (or learn to become) truly Catholic and leave all heretical poisons away from you, and be helpful and obedient to the true Roman Catholic Church, or else God will nor tolerate such wicked world much longer, and those who do evil and profess heretical false religion, such perverted souls will never be able to save themselves, and God will continue rejecting them, because they don't love the truth, as He is the Truth !