
28 July 2021

VIDEO - The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Nazarius and St. Celsius, Martyrs, Feast of St. Victor I, Pope and Martyr, and the Feast of St. Innocent I, Pope and Confessor - 28 July 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...

The diabolical poison of the heresy of the spiritual communion...the evident and extremely cunning heretical poison of Satan, disseminated by his trusted agents, the enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, as the Novus Ordo APOSTATE neo-Protestant pro-communist Sect and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated SSPX heretics and other such diabolically driven elements of evil, and so this important publication from the Holy See warns the genuine Catholic faithful not to fall into such extremely cunning and therefore dangerous heretical lie of the devil, and why it is so that this heresy was able to be disseminated abroad so vastly and has been so widespread worldwide...this publication is the summary of the infallible doctrine on this subject of condemnation of this most pernicious heresy, for the safety of the souls of the Catholic faithful and full conversion of those who have realized the essential truth that outside this true Roman Catholic Church and without the firm, true and sincere profession of the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, there is absolutely no salvation...

THEREFORE...such servants of the devil, evident enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, as this APOSTATE pro-communist Novus Ordo Sect, which had by its diabolical design purposely stolen the Catholic Church's worldwide property, including the Vatican, and these SSPX heretics, collaborators of this Novus Ordo Sect, alongside those vast in number heretics who have emanated from the SSPX illegitimate “order” as the SSPX-MC, SSPV and the sedevacantist heretics, all have one purpose ONLY - serving the devil in their heretical poisons these enemies of the true Catholic Church disseminate in abundance, and as they do NOT fear God's punishment, which is imminent now to come soon, the more they will be surprised at its magnitude and Divine efficacy of it, when they are all visited by our Lord for all such heretical evils these heretics cause and have caused, destroying souls for the devil, their tyrannical master...!