Video publication produced on the 19th Dominica after Pentecost, the
Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin - 3 October 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 19th Dominica after Pentecost...
of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 19th Dominica after
today's Gospel our Lord teaches the parable of a King and His Son, and
about those who neglected to come to the marriage of the Son, and how,
when approached by the messengers of the King, those who were invited,
proving themselves not worthy of that invitation, have murdered the
messengers, and so, as our Lord adds, the King being angry with them,
have destroyed them and burned their cities...and then, others being
invited to the marriage of the King's Son, put not on a wedding garment,
and thus have insulted the King and the solemn occasion of His
Son...the meaning of this Scriptural account is taught by the Supreme
Teaching Authority of the true Roman Catholic Church in this Pontifical
Sermon, and those are invited to hear the truth, who wish to be truly
accounted worthy, as true Catholics, before the Divine wrath fully
befalls this evil godless hedonistic world, as it is evident in its
present time (and subsequent) outcome...
THEREFORE...the remedy
against the just and long overdue Divine punishment of this world of
sin, where mockeries and sacrilegious attacks against the Divine
Institution Roman Catholic Church, and the insults and disrespect of the
true Church of Christ our Lord, on part of the nearly whole world
today, the only way to avoid this punishment from God is to become truly
Catholic, which absolutely excludes the Novus Ordo APOSTATE Sect that's
currently for several decades occupying the Catholic Church's worldwide
property, which this pro-communist Sect of the devil had by design
stolen from the true Catholic Church, and also those are excluded, the
IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and the
sedevacantist heretics, and therefore those who truly and sincerely
desire to save their immortal soul for God and all eternity, must abjure
their heretical false beliefs and be validly absolved by the judgment
of the true Holy See, upon their true repentance and firm
amendment...and time is running out..!
Sancta Sedes Apostolica - The Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - This is the real Holy See of the true Sovereign Pontiff, the current occupant or any other previous one of Our rightful place, the Vatican, is an excommunicated non-Catholic apostate sectarian, member of the Novus Ordo Sect and thus without ANY authority nor membership in the true Catholic Church... Communications to the Holy See: