
30 June 2021

VIDEO - The diabolical evils of the notorious heretics and their desecrated churches...

Video publication produced on the Feast of Commemoration of St. Paul, the Apostle, within the Octave of St. John the Baptist - 30 June 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - The diabolical evils of the notorious heretics and their desecrated churches...

The diabolical evils of the notorious heretics and their desecrated the devil perverted millions of the worldwide sanctuaries, through his servants, the APOSTATE Vatican occupying sacrilegious Novus Ordo neo-Protestant Sect, the notorious IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX, SSPX-MC - the so called “Resistance” with the Russian Communist KGB connections), the SSPV (Society of St. Pius V), the so called sedevacantist heretics and all other such apostate and heretical enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church, active in the USA, in Europe and elsewhere, and such churches and chapels are desecrated by idolatry and heretical fabrications, which are all dogmatically incorrect representations forbidden by the Canon Law (1917 Code), and how visiting knowingly such places of heretics and be present at their no longer valid “masses” constitutes mortal sin of heresy, automatic excommunication and thus it destroys the chance of salvation...

THEREFORE there is no other remedy and safety for your soul, but to be true and genuine Catholics, which excludes ALL apostates, all such members of the Novus Ordo non-Catholic Sect, all SSPX (the SSPX “Resistance” included) members, all SSPV heretics, and all the sedevacantist heretics, no matter how much people may think themselves to be Catholic, the true Roman Catholic Church and Her Canon Law (the ONLY valid 1917 Code, Canon 2314) automatically does excommunicate all heretics, apostates and schismatics, specially reserved to the judgment of the true Sovereign Pontiff, and until they are reconciled and pardoned, all heretics are left on their way to Hell and in the hands of their master the devil...!

29 June 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles, Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Roman Catholic Church - 29 June 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles...

Sermon on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles...that this is the Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Catholic Church is not disputable, but that We must honor this great Feast of the 1st Pope and of the great Apostle St. Paul is our duty towards God, as at the beginning of the Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church these two Apostles of our Lord have put forth the infallible doctrine of the Church, alongside the rest of the Apostles, to disperse faithfully and uphold diligently and in integrity of the revealed truth the Dogmas and Doctrine of the Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Apostolic Tradition, so likewise We do celebrate today this great Feast in all solemnity possible, although the Catholic Church is forced, once again as in the beginning, into the catacombs of this world, because those who should, are not, and those who would, do not, become truly Catholic, and so the true Church of Christ our Lord has to suffer until our Lord Himself redeems Us from this diabolical tyranny and helps Us to safety, before the punishment of this world comes...and it is coming soon !

THEREFORE...even though the present time situation of the true Holy Mother Church is not easy at all, and those who falsely claim to be Catholic are not helping the genuine Roman Catholic Church to continue Her Divine mission salvation of souls, yet these forced Catacombs of the Church are for Her sanctification and more contemplation, in the times of this misery and difficulties forced upon Us by the devil and his slaves and collaborators, but our Lord is always protecting and helping His Church to continue and be pleasing to Him, in such tribulations and sufferings, but the time is nearer and nearer when all such evils will end for the true Catholic Church and our enemies and those who declined to help Us will have to pay to God for it...and it will be very costly indeed !

27 June 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the 5th Dominica after Pentecost...

Video publication produced on the 5th Dominica after Pentecost, within the Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist - 27 June 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the 5th Dominica after Pentecost...

Sermon on the 5th Dominica after Pentecost...the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Pontifical Low Mass (Tridentine Mass in Latin, 1936 AD Missale Romanum), celebrated by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I in his private chapel and the sermon recorded on the subject of the Gospel reading of the Mass, this is the publication today, and that such is the admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ to us that to be observant of the heresies and evil poisonous doctrines of the enemies of the Church, the notorious heretics and apostates, servants of Satan, as are the present workers of evil as the Novus Ordo APOSTATE pro-communist Sect, and the heretics of the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and the sedevacantist heretics, and how to recognize and reject their heretical poisons, not on the authoritative premise, which jurisdiction belongs to the true Catholic Church Magisterium (so in this situation to the true Sovereign Pontiff), but in order to recognize such heretical poisons of the devil and to avoid them, in mind and heart, and reject their champions, the above names heretics and their cohorts...

THEREFORE...our Lord has provided all necessary doctrine of salvation and His Church, the genuine and true Roman Catholic Church has NEVER failed to teach this Divine doctrine, because the mission of the Church is precisely salvation of souls, and this same mission comes from God Himself, and with His supernatural help and guidance, and therefore those who don't belong to God but serve the devil, such enemies of God and His Church are visible in their heretical works and diabolically supplied evil pernicious doctrines, as they come from Satan and lead solely and only to Hell ! Your choice, your free will, and the Divine consequences follow...

25 June 2021

VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the present situation of the Catholic Church...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. William, Abbott, within the Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist - 25 June 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the present situation of the Catholic Church...

VIDEO ADDRESS of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the present situation of the Catholic Church...regarding the upcoming tyrannical reign of the servants of Satan, the Antichrist and his cohorts, attempting to corner the liberty of conscience of men, and in their abominable denial of the sacred rights and absolute and undeniable liberty and sovereignty of the Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church, in their diabolically controlled and instigated perversion of public morals and religion and education, their concept of life dictating in tyrannical manner those who obey these monsters, the Catholic Church today in the catacombs, whereto this Church of Christ our Lord was forced by such evils orchestrated against Her by the devil through his trusted servants, the atheistic communist state run Mafia, such is the topic of this important recent public address of the true Sovereign Pontiff Jacobus I as one of the last warnings to the world before this ordeal of diabolical tyranny comes in full force upon the disobedient and apostate populus of the the punishment from God for the obstinate refusal of the revealed truth, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and of the world's refusal to obey and assist the genuine Catholic Church in Her Divine mission of salvation of souls...(this was originally recorded as Live Stream video publication...)

THEREFORE...there is no mistake of the outcome how this world has progressed into such a horrendous mire of sin and iniquity and what God will do about it and what evils will befall this apostate world in return, as God will permit them to come and those who will continue denying His Laws and precepts of His Church, the genuine and true Roman Catholic Church, in their denial they will reap only these Divinely permitted evils and punishment for themselves, as to be willfully in the tyrannical hands of the devil does not pay...!

20 June 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the 4th Dominica after Pentecost...

Video publication produced on the 4th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Silverius, Pope, Martyr - 20 June 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the 4th Dominica after Pentecost...

Sermon on the 4th Dominica after's Holy Gospel informs us of the necessity of trusting in our Lord's mercy and Divine help in times of evil, which are now, that when those who dare to claim to be Catholic and absolutely are not, but solely are helping the Church's enemies, which means the devil himself, to destroy souls, and the genuine Catholic Church has to suffer at their hands, so to speak, enduring their doubts and mockeries, and also their willful unbelief that the Catholic Church is not in the hands of such apostates and heretics, but now in the Catacombs, these poor souls will learn one day that to disregard helping this true Catholic Church to continue Her Divine mission of salvation of souls is to insult and mock and disobey God and His Divine Law, and that, our Lord will help and give those necessary souls to help, when the time comes, and that those who are not helping His Catholic Church to continue, will reap only horrible punishment for it, from our Lord Himself, and for the sufferings His Church is forced by such heretics and enemies to endure, and God will repay them...but His genuine and true Catholic Church will continue always, but without such heretics and apostate sectarians, who, as such, outside this true Church, are only and solely bound for Hell instead !

THEREFORE...the time of Divine mercy, and on the other hand Divine rejection, wrath and punishment, is near, and that is, Divine mercy for our Lord's true Roman Catholic Church, and the time of God's wrath upon those who have had the audacity and dared to dishonor, mock, deny and disobey His Church, His Divine Institution, and such cannot hope for any mercy of God, because they, in their lack of charity towards Him and His Church, instead of helping the Bride of Christ continue Her mission of salvation of souls, have chosen to rather give aid and help to the devil, through his apostate sectarian and heretical collaborators, and thus such perverted disgraced souls have said no to God and yes to Satan...and God will repay this direct sacrilege and soon...!

18 June 2021

VIDEO - The diabolical hatred of the real Catholic Church by this apostate world...

Video publication produced on the Octave Day of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Feast of St. Ephrem, Deacon, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, and the Feast of St. Marcus and St. Marcellianus, Martyrs - 18 June 2021 AD... 
PLAY VIDEO - The diabolical hatred of the real Catholic Church by this apostate world...

The diabolical hatred of the real Catholic Church by this apostate world...and so it is, and the more of the atheistic apostasy is professed in this world, and the more such perverted souls cling to their heretical abominations, including the outright denial of the existence of their Maker, God Himself, the worse it gets, and they, sacrilegious enemies of God, without realizing fully or at all that they are slaves of the devil who is their true master, and that their perverted and deformed souls are in his hands and he will not let them go without the essential mercy of God and His supernatural help against the devil, they as slaves and in their own misery are just plainly awaiting their end and sentence of Hell as the result of their wicked bad lives, without them being able to see it and do anything about it...and so, their hatred for the Catholic Church, incensed by the scandals and abominations of the Novus Ordo Apostate Sect, which Sect has no membership nor any jurisdiction and authority in the Catholic Church, their hatred is based on their diabolical seduction and false pretense as such, that they, knowing not God, have dared to attempt to judge His Church and pass judgment on the sacrilegious deeds of this horrible Sect as if this was the works of the Church, and such horrifying scandalous blindness to the truth will only cost them their eternal salvation, nothing less, if they die in such deplorable state of their soul...without any exception, as outside the true Roman Catholic Church there is no salvation ! matter how much such self-misguided souls think that they serve and love God, if they attempt to do it outside the genuine Church God has instituted, which is the true Roman Catholic Church, and if they try to accomplish anything they may think will be for the service of our Lord, still, without their firm profession and punctual profession of the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, they will be left outside and without the chance of saving their souls, because then they will attempt (in sacrilege) to dictate to God and His Church, what He Himself has revealed and what His Church teaches as essential for salvation...and that will only bring them mortal sin of heresy and sentence of Hell at the NOT be one of them !

06 June 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...

Video publication posted on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi, 2nd Dominica after Pentecost, Feast of St. Norbert, Bishop, Confessor - 6 June 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...

Sermon on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...2nd Dominica after Pentecost....the Sermon today declares to us the necessity of being truly Catholic, as then and only then God's help can be expected, and so also those who neglect to be truly Catholic, as our Lord teaches through His parable, and thus those who will have the abominable sacrilegious audacity to say no to God Himself, will not taste of His Supper, which means that they will be rejected by our Lord at the end and cannot and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be with God for all eternity...and such is the situation today, so rampant and horrifying in this world, that most of its populus falls into this such a deplorable category of rejected heretics and apostate enemies of God and enemies therefore of His true and genuine Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation...

THEREFORE...thus saith our Lord in the Holy Gospel: “...and behold I am with you, all days, even unto the consummation of the world...”, which means that He will always protect His true Catholic Church against all evils, from Her enemies, the heretics, which is mainly the Atheistic Communist state run Mafia of evil criminals, in all their created branches of diabolical evils these servants of Satan have organized and executed upon the rest of the world, and against the Holy Mother true Catholic Church, installing their trusted agents inside the Vatican and running their perverted non-Catholic false religion in the Novus Ordo Sect, and all those who are helping them by recognizing this horrible Sect of the devil as “Catholic”, such evils will be repaid by our Lord to those who do them and or allow them to be done against His Church, and God will protect His true Catholic Church, no matter how much the devil through these his collaborators will try to destroy Her, he will NEVER succeed and pay for all the evils in the fires of Hell forever. Amen.

VIDEO - The dangerous path to eternal perdition of the SSPX heretics...

Video publication posted on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi, 2nd Dominica after Pentecost, Feast of St. Norbert, Bishop, Confessor - 6 June 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The dangerous path to eternal perdition of the SSPX heretics...

The dangerous path to eternal perdition of the SSPX heretics...them recognizing the Novus Ordo APOSTATE Sect as Catholic...and there is absolutely no excuse for such enemies of God to contemplate that they are permitted to believe what they profess and how they believe it, as every heresy is the death of the soul, no matter how such heretics attempt to hide it and eloquently cover it up, they are in the hands of their master the devil and he will continue using them for his evils of systematic destruction of millions and millions of souls, as their diabolical possession is the most certain outcome for all such heretics, because to recognize false non-Catholic APOSTATE religion of Satan, which this Novus Ordo neo-Protestant pro-communist Sect professes and teaches, as there is absolutely lacking any genuine membership and authority in the Catholic Church to do so (and to do anything else), this exact SSPX etc. heretical recognition of this Sect of the devil is an sacrilegious abomination in front of God, and on top of this the Novus Ordo Sect had by design robbed the true Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church of all Her worldwide property, including the Vatican, so such high crimes cry to Heaven for vengeance, and God our Lord will repay it...! STAY AWAY from such enemies of God and His Church as far as possible !

THEREFORE...there is the difference, which involves being truly Catholic or being sacrilegious heretic and slave of Satan, by recognizing and supporting such evident direct enemies of the true Catholic Church as such APOSTATE Novus Ordo pro-communist Sect and its surrogates, as these SSPX heretics, and any other such collaborators of the devil, as the SSPV and sedevacantist heretics, so the choice is urgent to be made...either with God and His genuine Catholic Church (to the safety of such obedient souls) OR with the devil and his servants these heretics, and then the punishment of Hell is awaiting...your free choice, and our Lord has all the consequences !

03 June 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Holy Day of Obligation...

Video publication posted on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Holy Day of Obligation - 3 June 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Holy Day of Obligation...

Sermon on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Holy Day of Obligation...and to reprove the audacity of the countless heretics and sectarians, whom, not knowing the Holy Scripture nor the supernatural infinite powers of God, have dared to doubt or outright denied the Real Presence of God our Lord on the true Altar after the valid Consecration of the bread and vine into His Body and Blood, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the genuine Tridentine Mass and only within the bosom of the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church, as the heretics and apostates are NOT permitted by God Himself to have a valid Mass as they are His enemies, so our Lord is not allowing them to have all necessary aspects of the Mass so that they can be visible, as evil trees, falsely set up “sanctuary”, illegitimate and never validly approved 1962 “missal”, which additionally invalidates as a serious defect of intention their Episcopate and Catholic Priesthood, so they remain as they are, outside the Church and Her enemies, servants of Satan, sentencing countless souls to Hell...but the genuine Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church continues to have the true Mass and Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord in Holy Communion, as our Lord is with Us, helping and protecting His Bride the Church against all diabolical evils, so also outside of this true Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation...!

THEREFORE...once the Catholic Church is fully restored and protected from the evils that will take place in this world, as the Divine vengeance will come upon such ungrateful apostates and heretics in punishment of their unbelief and denial of our Lord's true Catholic Church and Her Divinely given authority, the Church will be in Her safety as it is written of Her and the Divine promise had testified to it, and after these servants of Satan are dealt with by God, then shall the end come, the victory over the devil and his slaves and servants, who, because of their evils committed against God and His Church will receive their wages of Hell from Him !

02 June 2021

VIDEO - Restoration of the Roman Catholic Church belongs to God our Lord...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Marcellinus, St. Petrus and St. Erasmus, Martyrs - 2 June 2021 AD...

Restoration of the Roman Catholic Church belongs to God our Lord...the Divine Justice of our Lord, manifest in His ultimate mercy which He had many times accorded to this ungrateful world of sin, this same Divine mercy is manifest in the supernatural deeds of our Lord for His genuine and true Catholic Church, and thus it is evident, that it truly belongs to our Lord to restore His Church to Her beauty and splendor, to bring in more genuine Catholics and force the devil, our main persecutor and his cohorts, to be diminished and punished by God our Lord, to force these diabolical works of evil to cease and be destroyed, so that the Church remains protected and in safety, so that the Church can and will daily offer up to God the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and such oblation is most pleasing to God, because it is for His everlasting honor and glory...this publication deals with the situation which is at present time most difficult and evil for the Holy Mother Church, but that the trust We have for our Lord's mercy cannot and will not diminish as His promise to be with His Church, the true Catholic Apostolic Church till the end of times and forever, stands firm and cannot be denied...ever !

THEREFORE...once the Catholic Church is fully restored and protected from the evils that will take place in this world, as the Divine vengeance will come upon such ungrateful apostates and heretics in punishment of their unbelief and denial of our Lord's true Catholic Church and Her Divinely given authority, the Church will be in Her safety as it is written of Her and the Divine promise had testified to it, and after these servants of Satan are dealt with by God, then shall the end come, the victory over the devil and his slaves and servants, who, because of their evils committed against God and His Church will receive their wages of Hell from Him !