Video publication posted on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus
Christi, 2nd Dominica after Pentecost, Feast of St. Norbert, Bishop,
Confessor - 6 June 2021 AD...
PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...
on the Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...2nd Dominica
after Pentecost....the Sermon today declares to us the necessity of
being truly Catholic, as then and only then God's help can be expected,
and so also those who neglect to be truly Catholic, as our Lord teaches
through His parable, and thus those who will have the abominable
sacrilegious audacity to say no to God Himself, will not taste of His
Supper, which means that they will be rejected by our Lord at the end
and cannot and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be with God for
all eternity...and such is the situation today, so rampant and
horrifying in this world, that most of its populus falls into this such a
deplorable category of rejected heretics and apostate enemies of God
and enemies therefore of His true and genuine Roman Catholic Church,
outside of which there is absolutely no salvation...
saith our Lord in the Holy Gospel: “...and behold I am with you, all
days, even unto the consummation of the world...”, which means that He
will always protect His true Catholic Church against all evils, from Her
enemies, the heretics, which is mainly the Atheistic Communist state
run Mafia of evil criminals, in all their created branches of diabolical
evils these servants of Satan have organized and executed upon the rest
of the world, and against the Holy Mother true Catholic Church,
installing their trusted agents inside the Vatican and running their
perverted non-Catholic false religion in the Novus Ordo Sect, and all
those who are helping them by recognizing this horrible Sect of the
devil as “Catholic”, such evils will be repaid by our Lord to those who
do them and or allow them to be done against His Church, and God will
protect His true Catholic Church, no matter how much the devil through
these his collaborators will try to destroy Her, he will NEVER succeed
and pay for all the evils in the fires of Hell forever. Amen.
Sancta Sedes Apostolica - The Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - This is the real Holy See of the true Sovereign Pontiff, the current occupant or any other previous one of Our rightful place, the Vatican, is an excommunicated non-Catholic apostate sectarian, member of the Novus Ordo Sect and thus without ANY authority nor membership in the true Catholic Church... Communications to the Holy See: