
02 June 2021

VIDEO - Restoration of the Roman Catholic Church belongs to God our Lord...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Marcellinus, St. Petrus and St. Erasmus, Martyrs - 2 June 2021 AD...

Restoration of the Roman Catholic Church belongs to God our Lord...the Divine Justice of our Lord, manifest in His ultimate mercy which He had many times accorded to this ungrateful world of sin, this same Divine mercy is manifest in the supernatural deeds of our Lord for His genuine and true Catholic Church, and thus it is evident, that it truly belongs to our Lord to restore His Church to Her beauty and splendor, to bring in more genuine Catholics and force the devil, our main persecutor and his cohorts, to be diminished and punished by God our Lord, to force these diabolical works of evil to cease and be destroyed, so that the Church remains protected and in safety, so that the Church can and will daily offer up to God the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and such oblation is most pleasing to God, because it is for His everlasting honor and glory...this publication deals with the situation which is at present time most difficult and evil for the Holy Mother Church, but that the trust We have for our Lord's mercy cannot and will not diminish as His promise to be with His Church, the true Catholic Apostolic Church till the end of times and forever, stands firm and cannot be denied...ever !

THEREFORE...once the Catholic Church is fully restored and protected from the evils that will take place in this world, as the Divine vengeance will come upon such ungrateful apostates and heretics in punishment of their unbelief and denial of our Lord's true Catholic Church and Her Divinely given authority, the Church will be in Her safety as it is written of Her and the Divine promise had testified to it, and after these servants of Satan are dealt with by God, then shall the end come, the victory over the devil and his slaves and servants, who, because of their evils committed against God and His Church will receive their wages of Hell from Him !