
03 September 2021

VIDEO - The Novus Ordo Sectarian fraudulent miracles...

Video publication produced on the Feast of St. Pius X, Pope, Confessor - 3 September 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - The Novus Ordo Sectarian fraudulent miracles...

The Novus Ordo Sectarian fraudulent miracles...the proper infallible teaching and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church on the subject of fraudulent and fabricated “miracles” of the heretics and apostates, including the so called “Eucharistic miracles” fabricated and widely promoted by the non-Catholic APOSTATE Novus Ordo pro-communist Sect, which, in the light of the proper teaching of the true Roman Catholic Church can never be accepted nor approved at all, and such occurrences are therefore fully condemned as unworthy of belief and of any consideration..those who would dare promote such clearly diabolical fabrications are warned by the sentence of this true Holy See that they will without any doubt incur the wrath of God Almighty and severe punishment for such heretical fabricated deception...

THEREFORE...what the devil, master of ALL heretics and apostates, have succeeded in disseminating is astonishing poisons of heretical fabrications, including such false fraudulent “Eucharistic miracles” occurring in places of non-Catholic pro-communist Apostate Sect, during their abominable sacrilegious fraudulent ceremonies, all such occurrences are hereto condemned by the infallible authority of the Catholic Church Magisterium, and therefore if anybody dares to contradict this Our doctrine, decree and definition, let such a perverted soul realize that he or she will incur the grave censure of IPSO FACTO excommunication and the wrath of God Almighty and of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul...