
19 September 2021

VIDEO - Sermon on the 17th Dominica after Pentecost of the Pope Jacobus I...

Video publication produced on the 17th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Januarius, Bishop and his Companions, Martyrs - 19 September 2021 AD...

PLAY VIDEO - Sermon on the 17th Dominica after Pentecost of the Pope Jacobus I...

Sermon on the 17th Dominica after Pentecost of the Pope Jacobus I...the genuine Catholic doctrine of salvation, the Church speaks about the one Faith, on the Epistle of St. Paul to Ephesians, and in the Gospel today, the meaning why the Pharisees mocked our Lord and how He had given them the answers, which they attempted to contradict and disregard and mock..and the same exact equivalent is happening today in regards of how our Lord's true Catholic Church is treated in this world of sin, and that to serve the devil, the father of all lies, doesn't pay and doesn't save your soul...and only the terrifying vision of Hell remains...!

THEREFORE...nothing in this world of sin will change for the better without firstly God Himself helping in it and with it, and most of all, without firm and sincere conversion into the genuine Catholic Faith, repentance and true amendment of the now thoroughly apostate world population, and this will not happen without the Divine mercy of our Lord, Who says in one place “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy...”, and so very evil time of the true Divine wrath is near, even at the door...!